JMAG Users Conference 2008


Organizer JRI Solutions
Dates Wednesday, December 10 – Thursday, December 11, 2008
Venue Tokyo Conference Center – Shinagawa
AREA Shinagawa 1-9-36 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-6717-7000  
Expected number of participants Approximately 300


Wednesday, December 10 / Thursday, December 11

* The contents of the program may be subject to change without notice.

Wednesday, December 10

9:30 Registration
10:00 Opening Remarks
Mr.Toshihiro Hayashi, JRI Solutions
General Session
10:05 The history of JMAG
Dr.Takashi Yamada , JRI Solutions
[Keynote Speech]

Numerical Magnetic Field Analysis in Electric Performance Calculation in Large Rotating Machines.
Dr.Kazumasa Ide , Hitachi LTD.

Motor Session
11:10 Customized Development of Automotive Motor System using JMAG-Studio
Mr.Ryoma Matsuo , PUES Corporation
11:40 Break (Lunch)
13:30 modeFRONTIER as a Strategic Tool for Improving Electromagnetic CAE and Supporting Decision Making
Dr.Yasushi Fujishima , CD-adapco JAPAN Co.,LTD.
14:00 Electromagnetic Field Analysis on Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator by using JMAG
Ph.D.Hisashi Yajima , SMC Corporation
14:30 Break
Induction heating session
14:40 Analysis of an induction-heating fusing unit using JMAG
15:10 Finite Element Analysis of a Steering Rack Shaft Subjected to the High-Frequency Induction Hardening Process
Mr.Manabu Fukumoto , Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
15:40 Coffee Break
Expanding the Use of JMAG in a Company
17:00 Evaluation of eddy current characteristic for applied high frequency voltage to the giant magnetrostrictive material.
Mr.Masayuki Sugasawa , Sony EMCS Corporation
17:30 Introduction of the Use of JMAG as CAE among Our Users
Mr.Yusaku Suzuki , JRI Solutions
18:15 Banquet

Thursday, December 11

8:30 Registration
Fast Large-Scale Analysis Session
9:00 Speeding Up JMAG’s Solver for Large Scale Problems.
Mr.Kazuki Semba , JRI Solutions
9:15 Technology for accelerating electromagnetic field analyses.
Dr.Takeshi Iwashita , Kyoto University
9:45 Scaling ICCG Performance in Multicore: The Current and Future Perspective.
Dr.Shigeki Gunji , Sumisho Computer Systems Corporation
10:15 Coffee Break
Transformer session
10:25 Estimation of Dispersion in Inductance in Small, Low Profile Transformers.
Mr.Masahiro Shima , COSEL CO., LTD.
10:55 Effective Use of JMAG Software for Analyzing Switching Transformers
Mr.Hideo Matsumoto , TABUCHI ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.
11:25 Efficiency improvement of non-contact power supply systems
Mr.Hiroyasu Tomita , MURATA MACHINERY,LTD.
11:55 Break (Lunch)
Educational Session
13:45 Supervision for students in the electrical machinery using JMAG.
Dr.Kenji Nakamura , Tohoku University
14:15 Practice work of JMAG by e-learning.
Dr.Edmund Soji Otabe , Kyushu Institute of Technology
Motor Session
14:45 Comparison of IPM and SPM by experimental and analysis results.
Dr.Kan Akatsu , Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
15:15 Coffee Break
16:45 Recent developments and future plan for JMAG
Dr.Takashi Yamada , JRI Solutions.
17:30 Closing Remarks

*The product and service names contained herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Thank You Notes from the Steering Committee

The JMAG Users Conference 2008 was a huge success, attended by a great number of participants. We had opportunities to exchange information, ideas, and experiences with participants through the presentations, seminar sessions, poster sessions, and evening reception.
We are now pleased to announce that the JMAG Users Conference 2009 will be held in Kyoto. You will be hearing from us about the conference for the months ahead.
If you have any questions and comments about the conference, please contact to our staff at the Secretarial Division.
(Engineering Technology Division: Suzuki)

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all participants in the Users Conference 2008. This year, there are a broad range of the presentations, seminar sessions and poster sessions. In addition, there were prize drawings during the evening reception. (Congratulations to all the winners!) We hope that these events had met your expectations.
We look forward to seeing you at the JMAG Users Conference next year.
(Sales Division: Morinaga)

Thank you for participating in the JMAG Users Conference 2008.
Though two days seemed to have past very quickly, I had a strong impression that participants were intently exchanging opinions. Unfortunately, I did not have an opportunity to talk to participants directly about the handouts and exhibits, as well as the evening reception. If you have any questions and comments, please let us know. We have already started preparing for the next conference, and look forward to seeing you again in Kyoto.
(Planning Division: Sugata, on the right)

The JMAG Users Conference 2008 was a resounding success. We are very pleased to have you all. Being a staff at the Secretarial Division, I was fortunate to interact with speakers, exhibitors, and participants.
For the conference 2009, we hope to provide better assistance for your needs and enhance an evening reception. Also, we do our best to meet all participants’ expectations.
We look forward to seeing you all in next year’s conference in Kyoto.
(Secretarial Division: Igarashi, on the left)

The next JMAG Users Conference will be held from 10 to 11 December 2009 at Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto.
We hope you can join us.