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- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: Motor, Synchronous Reluctance Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Applications: Magnet
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map, Multiphysics
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, MBD
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, Sensor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
- Applications: Magnet
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Model Based Development of Dual Inverter with JMAG-RT Model and Motor HILS
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Motor Drive Verification Using HILS Implemented with JMAG-RT Models
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Electric Pump Vibration Analysis (Establishment of the Magnetic Field-Structural Coupled Analysis Method)
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Vibration Prediction of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by Aid of JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Optimal Design of Instantaneous High-output Motor for Basketball Robots
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Application of Electromagnetic Field and Structural Coupled Analysis to Transformer
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material, Structural
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Performance Analysis Method of IPM Motor for EV Using Electromagnetic Simulation(JMAG)
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
EV IPM Motor Continuous Operation Loss Evaluation Based on Hysteresis Play Model
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Calculation Cost Reduction Method in Multi-Objective Optimization Using Machine Learning: Case Study on Actuator Development
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
DOE-based Optimization of Electrical Machines
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
Next Generation EV Motor Design Using JMAG-Designer
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Improvement of Calculation Speed by AMD CPU and Parallel Calculation in Medium-sized Model
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Development of Axial-Gap motor for AGV
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
Analysis of Gas Proportional Solenoid Valve Using JMAG
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Relationship of Parallel Number of Analyzes to Analysis Time with Outer Rotor Type Fan Motor
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing
Speeding up Induction Heating Analysis by Utilizing the Cloud
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Examination of Refinement of the Method for Calculating the Starting Characteristics of Induction Motors
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Introduction of New Coils (AST COIL) Using Motor Analysis Developed with Proprietary Manufacturing Methods
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analytical/Experimental Verification of Thermal Characteristics of Axial Gap Motors, and Comparison Between Axial and Radial Gap Motors
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Topology Optimization of Electric Machines for E-mobility Applications
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
A Study of Improving Demagnetization Resistance Performance by JMAG Topology Optimization
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Application of Automation of Design Utilizing Optimization to Traction Motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
Optimization (multi-objective, multi-physical) and Verification of E-Motor Design Using Real Test Bench Data
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map, Multiphysics
High Speed Measurement System for Improving Accuracy of Magnetic Properties of Material Database
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Combining Computational Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetic Finite Element Simulations for Transient and Steady State Motor Cooling Simulations
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Re-consideration of E-machine Thermal Management Using Recent Capabilities of Numerical Simulation
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
AI Technology with Aid of Data-driven Method Makes EM Simulation and Optimization More Effective
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization
Reduction of Optimal Design Time for IPMSMs for Automotive Applications Using Machine Learning
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization
3D Design of Magnetic Components by Gaussian Kernel Regression -Forward Design and Inverse Design-
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization
JMAG & GT-SUITE Link for EV Traction Motor 1D Thermal Analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Heat Balance of 90kW Class 50,000rpm SPM Motor for Rocket Engine Propellant Supply -Modeling by Linking JMAG-RT and AMESIM Software-
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Motor Loss Calculation under PWM Switching
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Application of SIMP-based Topology Optimization in JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Application of Topology Optimization Analysis Technology for Traction Motor of Automotive
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
3D Magnetic Field Analysis of Large Power Transformer Using Transient Analysis
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Numerical Analytic Approach for Oil Immersed Transformer Electrical Insulation Design using JMAG CB Option
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
How to Leverage JMAG-RT for MBD and Its Prospects
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Efficiency Map Generation and Simulation of Dual Three-Phase PMSM
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
Electromagnetic Materials Suited for Electrified Transport
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Integrated Electromagnetics-Thermal Analysis of Electric Motor: Benefits and Pitfalls of Multi-physics Modeling
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
The Need for Large-Scale Calculations in Induction Heating
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Electromagnetic Field Thermal Fluid Coupled Analysis for In-Vehicle Motors 2.0
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Practical Power Circuit Design of Power Electronics Equipment and Analysis Evaluation of Power Inductors
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Study of Optimum IH Coil Design for the Improved Induction Hardening Pattern
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
JMAG Analysis of Spot Induction Heating to Design a Soldering Head
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Initiatives in Engineer Education Focusing on Magnetic Field Analysis at Miki Pulley Co., Ltd.
Motor Efficiency Improvement Toward New Energy Vehicle Drive Cycle based on Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map
Induction Motor Noise Reduction using JMAG
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
The Value of Magnetic FEA Simulation in Magnetic Sensing Applications
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Field Analysis of AB Phases and Z Phase Magnetic Interference in a Magnetic Encoder
- Applications: IPM Motor, Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator, Motor, Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Design of Electric Machine for Electric Aircraft Using Power Simulation License
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Comparison of Axial Gap Motor with SMC Between Analysis and Experimental
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Improvement of Calculation Model on Induction Motors
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
Torsional Vibration Analysis of an Electric-Drive Powertrain Via System Simulations with Simcenter Amesim and JMAG-RT
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Integrated Motor Modeling using GT-SUITE and JMAG
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Recent update of electric machine thermal management with CFD How to employ the oil cooling method (pros and cons)
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Ultra-high Fidelity Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Simulation for EV Motor Drives with Seamless Integration with JMAG-RT
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
RecurDyn Dynamic Simulation of Drivetrain System with Electric Motors
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: MBD
Cooperation Between JMAG and MSC Products in Motor CAE
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Initiatives in Toyota Vehicle Electrification and Developing Electrified Vehicles: Anticipating JMAG’s Support in the Development of Electrified Vehicles
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Case Study of Developing an IPM Motor Drive System with Model-Based Development (MBD) – Using JMAG-RT and HILS –
Comprehensive System to Component xEV Simulation Using Gamma Technologies and JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Fuel Consumption Simulations for Vehicles Equipped with HUB Bearings with Motor Generator (eHUB)
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Agile Electrical Machine Development for Hybrid Electric Aircraft
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Electromagnetic Excitation Force Generated on High Power Density High Rotation SPM Motor Rotor of Rocket Engine Propellant Supply Electric Pump
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electric Noise in Cars from Inverter Current to Noise
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Problems and Problems Resolved after JMAG Introduction
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Challenges Moving from Static to Dynamic Analyses: The Merits of Introducing Transient Response Analysis
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Application of Deep Learning to Optimal Design
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization
Automated Electric-Machine Design Workflow in the Cloud for Aviation Applications
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Optimization Design of IPMSM for Off-Highway Vehicle Using JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Guided Optimization of Rotor Topologies in Electric Machines
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
FET Switching Control of PAM Inverter Circuit and Motor Characteristics Optimization of PWM Inverter Circuit
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map
Arc Plasma Interruption Process Modeling in Electromagnetic Relays Based on JMAG and ANSYS Fluent
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Electromagnetic Field Thermal Fluid Coupled Analysis for In-Vehicle Motors
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Development of a Wireless Power Transfer System for Railway Vehicles Using JMAG
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Design of Three-Phase Wireless Power Transfer System with 12 Coils
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Load Influence on AC Resistance of a High-Speed Permanent Magnet Electric Machine for Electric Vehicle Applications
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
Measurement Technique for Magnetic Flux in a Motor Core under Operating Conditions
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Loss Modelling for the Hyperloop Propulsion Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Analysis of Rotor Surface Loss and Temperature Rise of Solid Rotor Synchronous Motor (SM)
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Improvement of Convergence in 3D Magnetic Field Analysis of Large Power Transformer
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Calculation of Iron Loss of Variable Inductor for Electric Power Control
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Analysis of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Spherical Actuators in JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The Influence of Material Hysteresis in Electromagnetic Pump Operation Analysis
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Analysis of Magnet Clutch Motion Considering Rotation and Translation of Mover
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Development of Analysis and Design Technologies for Motors in Technology Research Association of Magnetic Materials for High-Efficiency Motors (MagHEM).
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Traction Motor Design Using Power Simulation License
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing
Computer Simulation of Double Hardened Layer Induction Hardening
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Verification of Temperature Distribution and Thermal Strain Level with Induction Heating for Thin Plates
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
New Opportunities for Motor Design – Electric and Hybrid Propulsion of Aircraft
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of High-Power-Density Machines for Aircraft Applications
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Application Studies of JMAG Topology Optimization in the Design of Wristwatch Motors
- Applications: Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Analysis of Winding Losses of Shunt Reactor using “Zooming Analysis”
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
3D Magnetic Field Analysis of Large Power Transformer with Parallel Calculation Processing
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Introduction of JMAG for Magnet Rail Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Integrated Framework for Design Synthesis and Optimization of IPM Machine for Off Highway Applications
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Analyzing Permanent Magnet Motors with Magnetic Field + Structural Coupling Using PSL (Power Simulation Licenses)
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Application of Machine Learning and Enhanced 3D Modeling on HPC Systems for End-Winding AC Loss Model Identification
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: AI / Machine Learning, Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
Magnetic Field Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using JMAG-Designer Ver.17.1 with Control Circuit Modeling Functions
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
JMAG-RT Case Studies Using 3D Analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, MBD
Development of a Simulation Method for Electromagnetic Stirring in Levitation Melting Furnace Using a JMAG-STAR-CCM+ Two-Way Coupled Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Induction Heating Analysis Using Current Control
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Electromagnetic Field – Thermal Stress Coupled Analysis and Experiment Verification in High Frequency Induction Hardening
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Design of IPM Machines with Hairpin Windings for Electric Vehicle Applications
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Application of Hysteresis Model to Improve Accuracy of Iron Loss Estimation for Rotating Machine
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Modeling and Reduction Techniques for Bundle- and Strand- level Proximity Losses in High-Speed AC Machines
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Optimization of Solenoid Attraction using JMAG Optimization Function
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Development of Control Circuit Model for Multi Injection Solenoid Valve Motion Prediction
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Deep Motor Development Based on JMAG-Designer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
Linear Motor & Eddy Current Brake Design For The Worlds First Hyperloop Test Track
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of LIM-type Eddy-Current Rail Brakes using Large Scale Model
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Optimum Design of Wireless Power Transfer Coils for EVs Calculated by JMAG
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Effects of the Aluminum Coil on the WPT System
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Low Oscillation Actuator for Force-controlled Medical Robot Arm
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Analysis of the Electromagnetic NVH of Electrical Machines
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Investigating the Possibility of Improving Performance by Applying CFRP to Outer Rotor Housing
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
A Temperature Prediction Technique of Motors by the Combination Between Harmonic Loss Simulation by JMAG-Designer and Thermal Simulation by FloTHERM.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Analysis and Optimization of a High Speed Induction Motor in an EV Application using JMAG
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Higher Radial Suspension Force of Magnetic Bearing on Centrifugal Compressor for HVAC
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Force Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Driven by PWM Inverter
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Development of Thin and High Torque Axial Gap Motor Using Soft Magnetic Powder Cores
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Introduction to Motor Thermal Analysis in Motor-CAD
- Physical Phenomena: Thermal
Oil cooling Electric machine using multi-time scale CHT and Hybrid Multiphase
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Right First Time Design of e-Drive NVH
- Physical Phenomena: Structural
Nissan’s EV Motor Development Strategy and History: Vison of Motor Development Strengthening with JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Current Challenges and Future Solutions in Traction Motor Design for Electric Vehicles
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Loss Distribution Analysis for 4-pole air Cooled Turbine Generator Using 3D Finite Element Method
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Magnetic Field Analysis of Rectifiers
- Applications: Bus Bar
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
3-D Magnetic Field Analysis of Large Power Transformer Using Parallel Calculation
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Investigations in Coil Design for Induction Heating Using JMAG and the Optimization Tool HEEDS
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Design Exploration of Heating Coil Shape by Cooperation of JMAG and HEEDS
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Shape Optimization of Induction Heating Coil by JMAG – Optimus Cooperation
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Development of Power Transmission Coupling in Superconducting Levitation Pump by Magnetic Field Analysis
- Applications: Superconductivity
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Predicting Electromagnetic Pump Operation Using a Simulink-JMAG Coupled Analysis
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Introduction and Application of JMAG on Induction Heating
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Improvements of JMAG-RT Model of Induction Motors in Automotive Traction Drive
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
The Role of JMAG on Powertrain Development
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, MBD
Utilization of JMAG-RT Using Multi-Case Parallel Calculation
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, MBD, Multiphysics
Development of Measurement Method of Three-dimensional Demagnetization Distribution in Permanent Magnets for Motors
- Applications: IPM Motor, Magnet, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Verification By Measuring and Analyzing Motor Gap Magnetic Flux Using Sheet State Search Coils
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
6 kW Axial Flux Motor Based on Soft Magnetic Composites for Hand Held Power Tools
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Case Study of Optimization by modeFRONTIER Using Linkage Function of JMAG with Solidworks (The Present Situation for the Process of Making the Workflow for Optimization)
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Application Studies of the JMAG Optimization Function in the Design of Wristwatch Motors
- Applications: Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Approaches for Topology Optimization
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Study on Iron-Loss Analysis Method under Distorted Sinusoidal Waveform Excitation
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Loss Analysis for a Reactor Using a Hysteresis Model
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Simulation of Magnetization for Anisotropic Rare-Earth Bonded Magnets
- Applications: Motor, Speaker / Voice Coil Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
The Development of Magnetic Property Evaluation Techniques in Accordance with Solenoid Coil Methodology Using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Magnetic Analysis for Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic Resonant Coupling – Effect of Foreign Object –
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Enhanced 3D Finite Element Analysis of AC Losses in the End-Winding Structure of Bar Wound Windings
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Large-Scale Processing
Loss Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines Considering In-Plane Eddy Current in Electrical Steel Sheets Using 3D Finite Element Method
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
New Technologies of Motors with Variable Machine Constants and Electronics Motor Systems for an Energy Saving and New Feature
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Development of Variable Flux Hybrid Excitation Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Permanent Magnet Motor Vibration Simulation for Compressor Application
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Research the Heavy Rare Earth-Free Motor for Hybrid Vehicle
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Introduction of Coupled Analysis Case Giving New Added Value to Electromagnetic Field Analysis: – Electromagnetic Field – Fluid, Electromagnetic Field – Powder –
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Development of Thin and High Torque Axial Gap Motor Using Soft Magnetic Powder Cores
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
From Customer Specification to Prototyping: Three-dimensional Finite Element Simulation for Axial Flux Machines Constructed from Soft Magnetic Composite Materials
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Model-Based Design Meets FEA Simulation – Improving Motor Control Development using High Fidelity Motor Models
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Prediction of Solenoid Valve Motion by Magnetic Field – Fluid Two-Way Coupled Analysis
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Proposal of Electromagnetic Noise-generating Mechanism on Carrier Harmonics
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Efficiency map
Development of JMAG for Model Based Design
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, MBD
Study on Robust Optimization Method for Cogging Torque Reduction Accounting for Manufacturing Errors of the Motor
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Improvement of analysis operation using multi-case parallel calculation
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
Cooperation analysis of optimization and quality engineering by modeFRONTIER and JMAG
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Miniaturization and low noise Design of the transformer for train
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Magnetic Field Analysis of a Transformer Using JMAG and Modeling Improvements
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Detailed Evaluation of High-frequency Transformers/Reactors
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Tips and Suggestions for Using JMAG
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Research on an integration motor to achieve high efficiency and high torque density
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Verification by impedance measurement and analysis of large capacity synchronous motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic field analysis of Rectifier
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
JMAG implementation on K-computer and accelerating computational speed of electromagnetic field analysis (Introduction of JAMA research activities)
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Studies about condition based maintenance of drive unit for metal clad switch gear using the electromagnetic field analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electric field analysis of the Tape Lapped Joint for power cable
- Applications: Cable
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
Analysis of transformer circuit considered the mutual inductance
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Analysis of stray fields in electric motors for automotive applications
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Simulation based design validation and optimisation of Electrical machines for automotive applications
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map
Development of Motors for SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD for New NSX
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
The coupling of JMAG and Simcenter 3D in view Noise and Vibration analysis of Electric Machines
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Model-Base Virtual Verification Method With Advanced PCB Simulation Technics
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Power measurement using large current/high frequency sensors
BLDC motor model using JMAG RT table for control development of an electromechanical actuator integrated in a sport car
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Comparison of electromagnetic and thermal modelling with JMAG with electromagnetic and thermal equivalent circuit models and experimental test results
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Using JMAG to simulate control of a brushless flux-switching rotating machine
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Optimal Design Using Computational Electromagnetism
- Applications: IPM Motor, Magnetic Shield, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Optimization of Electric Motors for Automotive Applications
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
Electromagnetic-thermal coupled multi-objective optimization on HPC systems for rotating electrical machines used in phev applications
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Multi-Physics Machine Design Optimization Based on Finite Element Analysis Using High-Throughput Computing
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing, Multiphysics
Analysis of a Claw Pole Rotating Machine Regeneration
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Noise and Vibration of Oil-Immersed Transformer Generated by Load Current
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Starting performance analysis of solid salient poles synchronous motor by Finite Element Method
- Applications: Motor, Wound-Field Synchronous Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
The effort of fast numerical simulation of large scale electromagnetic field analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Coupled Thermal/Structural/Magnetic Field Analysis Using JMAG
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
JMAG Case Study Presentation for Developing Electric Components of a Motorcycle Engine
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Introduction to the Difference between Electromagnetic Induction and Magnetic Resonance Coupling
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
Development of a wireless power transfer technology and electromagnetic field analysis
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic design method of wireless charging coil mounted under a vehicle
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
The Electric Machine Designer in the 21st Century
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Study on the Application of the JMAG Optimization Function in Motor Design
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Some JMAG Designing Technique on IPMSM under a Magnet-Saving Scheme
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Thermal Demagnetization Analysis of Neodymium-Iron-Boron Sintered Magnets With Non-Uniform Coercivity Distribution by Diffusing Heavy Rare Earth Element Using JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Magnet, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Eddy Current Loss Evaluation and Temperature Rise Verification of Stator Core Clamping Stud Bolts in Alternating Current Rotational Machines
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Feedback control assisted IH analysis
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Metal Induction Heating Analysis with Two-Way Coupling of JMAG and STAR-CCM+
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Analytical Predictions for Residual Stress in Crankshaft Subjected to Induction Hardening
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Evaluation of Iron Loss Analysis and Material Modeling Accounting for Residual Strain
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Evaluation of performances of a PMSM taking into account the impact of the lamination cutting
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Measurement and evaluation for the iron loss of electrical steel sheets considering the compressive stress.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Applied Cases of Control Development and Verification for Motor HILS using JMAG-RT
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Applying HILS in the Development of Sensorless Motor Control
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
The design of magnetic circuit for magnetostrictive sensor
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
In-orbit magnetic attitude disturbance in LEO small satellites
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Innovative process of design exploration using JMAG and HEEDS
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
From circuit to virtual integrated system, Model-Based reliability verification and analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
On the modeling, prediction and solutions for acoustic emission of Reluctance Machines (RM)
- Applications: Motor, Synchronous Reluctance Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
2-Step Multi Objective Optimization of EV System by 1D and 3D Integration
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, MBD
JMAG Parallel Execution Environment using a PC Cluster
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
JMAG-RT Running in a 260mm×190mm×84mm Box
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
Future of Tools for Real-Time Test
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Optimization of Electric Motors for Automotive Applications
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
sunlight© pump – a small solar powered water pump developed using the JMAG toolchain
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Customer case: Computation of no-loadtorque for slotlessmachine withnon-cylindricalairgap
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The thermal field simulation analysis of the JMAG platform for the FAW Technology Center
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Optimization calculation of JMAG and its application in proportional solenoid valve
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, MBD, Multiphysics
Stator of variable speed permanent magnet synchronous motor based on Designer JMAG Study on the calculation of optimal skew slot angle
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
JMAG in RT-Lab HIL Simulator
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Induction Motor Sound and Co-simulation with JMAG and Virtual.lab
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Acoustic Noise Analysis of a High-Speed High-Power Switched Reluctance Machine: Frame Effects
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Application-Oriented Motor Design by using the electromagnetic field analysis in TOYOTA
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Influence of the manufacturing process on the behaviour of a claw-pole generator
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
JMAG case examples for developing electric components for motorcycle engines
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Generator, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic feedback sensor positioning and determination of harmonic distortion
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic force as a noise source generated by leakage flux in transformer tank
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Vibration analysis of transformer core with magnetostriction by using JMAG
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Practical application of stress analysis of stator coil-end portion of turbine generator
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Applied cases to production technology development using magnetic field – thermal coupling analysis
- Applications: Bus Bar
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Computer simulation of high-frequency induction heating using a coupling of JMAG, FLUENT and ANSYS.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Electromagnetic and heat transfer analysis of HFW steel pipe
- Applications: Resistance Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Thermal simulation of an oil-cooled permanent magnet synchronous motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Temperature analysis of the outer rotor type AC generator using JMAG-Designer and STAR-CCM+
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Development plan of co-simulation framework of Star-CCM+ and JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Litz Wire Analysis with JMAG
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Development of a rail brake for railway vehicles derived from linear motor technology
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Large-scale numerical analysis of induction motors
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Attraction force analysis of a solenoid valve and system control simulation
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Magnetic field analysis of solenoid actuator using JMAG-Designer
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of responsiveness of air pressure solenoid valves using JMAG-Designer
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Study of SPM,IPM,IPM vernior Motor using JMAG-Experss
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
A case of benchmarking of brushless motor using JMAG-Express
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
JMAG-RT as a tool in the development of EV/HEV powertrain components
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Introduction to magnetic field design support system using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Design of switched reluctance motors considering manufacture impact
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Demagnetization analysis of IPM motor with Dy diffused magnet using JMAG-Designer Ver.13.1
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Multi-objective optimization with wide-range shape parametric design space for IPM motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
GPU computing research initiatives of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Large scale 3D electromagnetic field analysis for electric machine design
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Fast numerical simulation of 3D electromagnetic analysis using HPC
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Analysis of brush motors by JMAG
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Measurement of magnetic flux density on permanent magnet surfaces for IPM motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Development of the new motor for SPORT HYBRID i-DCD system for the Fit3 Hybrid
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Efficiency map
High-precision iron loss analysis using JMAG
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Gap loss analysis of cut core inductor
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Accuracy evaluation of litz wire resistance by using transformer analysis module
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Power measurement technique for inverter and motor evaluation
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Vibration problems in mechanical systems driven by electric motor
Virtual motor-drive development & validation platform suite : SaberRD + JMAG-RT
JMAG solution: Higher fidelity motor HILS of FPGA-based by model-based development
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Motor control improved by using JMAG-RT
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Model-based development of PMSM (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) control systems & NI Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Posts not found
Design and analysis of flux-switching permanent magnet motor (Chinese-only)
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Design and analysis of synchronous reluctance motors (Chinese-only)
- Applications: Motor, Synchronous Reluctance Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The application for JMAG in magnetizing yoke-aided design (Chinese-only)
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Properties variations and influence evaluations of the electrical steel after motor manufacturing processes using JMAG (Chinese-only)
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Optimal design and performance analysis of an ironless permanent-magnet linear motor (Chinese-only)
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Design and analysis of high-performance small wind generators and integrated assessment in Taiwan (Chinese-only)
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Handling Cores and Core Materials in Numerical Analyses for Motor Design and Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Coil Vibration as a Noise Source Generated by Transformer Load Current
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Magnetic Field Analysis of Large Transformers in Direct Current Bias Magnetism
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
The Coupling of JMAG with Virtual.Lab Acoustics in view of predicting Transformer Noise due to Magnetostriction
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
JMAG’s Searching Quest for Large Scale, Faster Electromagnetic Analysis – HPC Solver Introduction –
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
The study of calculation accuracy improvement for magnetic loss of motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Numerical Validation of Magnetic Measurement method of Motor Core using JMAG Designer.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Magnet temperature analysis and prototype verification in permanent magnet synchronous motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Newly introduced non-oriented electrical steel sheets to JMAG material database and the influence of magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels on switched reluctance motor’s characteristics
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Actuality and Scope on Simulation of Heat Treatment
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
High-Frequency Induction Heating Simulation using a Coupling of JMAG and COSMAP
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Crankshaft optimization of induction heat treatment using computer aided engineering(The second report)
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Computer simulation of induction heating contains thermal deformation in large ring metal parts.
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Abaqus – JMAG Cosimulation of Induction Heating and Induction Forming Processes
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Thermal Fluid Analysis of a PM Motor Multi-phase Flow
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
An Initiative to Reduce Vibration in an Electric Vehicle Motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
JMAG-Designer Case Studies and Issues for Magnetic Separators
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Case Studies Using JMAG in Electric Motor Development
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
System Design and Component Design (Saber-JMAG’s Coupling to Revolutionize the Design Process): What Benefits does Model-Based Development have for Motor Designers?
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Coupling JMAG with a Structural Analysis and CFD Software
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Stress analysis of stator coil-end portion of turbine generator
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
A Tubular Hydro-Generator Through Bolts Failure Analysis
An Example of Motor Control ECU Software Verification from HILS using JMAG-RT
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
A Model-Based Development Process of Automobile Using JMAG-RT and PSIM
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
High-precision HILS Solution for EV/HEV Control Development (JMAG-RT Support, Spatial Harmonic Model)
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
The Comparison of the real motor and motor HILS using spatial harmonics model
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Application and Development Environment of Virtual Motor Torque Ripple Reduction Control
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
A Transient Core Loss Calculation Algorithm for Soft Magnetic Composite Material
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Enhancing Precision in Superimposed Direct Current Characteristics Computations using a Powder Soft Magnetic Core
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Role of Electrical Machines in Electrification
The Effect of Stress in Iron Loss Analysis Evaluation: Verification through the Steel Sheet Processing Method
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Analysis of Magnet Segmentation for an Electrical Machine used in Hybrid-Cars and Comparison with Calorimetric Measurement
Development of High power & High efficiency Motor for EV using magnetic field analysis.
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Magnetic Field Analysis of a Claw Pole Rotating Machine
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Comparative Study of Field-Excitation Flux-Switching Motor Against PMSM for ISG Application
Study on Self-Excitation Wound-Field Motor with Field Poles Excited by Space Harmonics
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Comparison of Actual Measurements of a Reactor Natural Frequency and JMAG Simulation (Refined Modeling of Elements)
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Structural
Easy Simulation Method of the Inductor Devices.
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of the Highly Functional Integrated Magnetic Transformer for Power Electronics
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
There are no presentation materials included. Investigation of Proximity Losses in a Permanent Magnet Machine for electric vehicles
Development of electric motors in automotive applications using JMAG Software
Enhanced Simulation Quality for Electric Drives in Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Virtual Motor bench for high bandwidth ECU testing using JMAG-RT modeling approach on a FPGA chip
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Simulation of a reduced size demonstrator of a direct drive PM wind generator used for loss measurement
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Optimizing the Acoustic Performance of a Switched Reluctance Motor using a combined multi-physics & FEA simulation approach
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Simulation of acoustic noise induced by electromagnetic forces in claw-pole alternators
Linking Saber and JMAG for an integrated System Simulation Approach for Motor Drive Applications
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Multiscale Noise and Vibration models for a Switched Reluctance-based drivetrain for EV and HEV
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Loss analysis and geometry optimization in rotating machines
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Development of Cylindrical Linear Motor for Lift-Motion
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetization Analysis for Magnets in Small Motors
- Applications: IPM Motor, Magnet, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Taking On Torque Ripple Analysis and Torque Ripple Reduction in SR Motors
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
Magnetic Field Analysis of Parts of an Oil-Immersed Transformer Full-Scale Analysis Model
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Large Rotating Machine design using FEM analysis
The Design of Superconducting Magnets Using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Efforts to Make Magnetic Field Analysis-Centered CAE Prevalent at Miki Pulley Co., Ltd.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Practical use of JMAG-Designer in motor development
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of the IPM motor using JMAG-SuperExpress
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Integrated Acoustic Simulation of a Switched Reluctance Motor Drivetrain as part of a Multi-physics approach to Electric Vehicle Optimization
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Creating Simulation Models based on Measuring Results of Brushed DC-Motors using JMAG-Designerr
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Miniaturization Design Method and Performance Evaluation of Prototype Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Optimally Designed by Thermo-Magnetic Field Coupling Analysis
- Applications: IPM Motor, Magnetic Gear, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
JMAG for machinery design in electric power generation systems
- Applications: Generator, Magnet, Transformer / Reactor
Efficient 3-dimensional optimization technology for high-precise magnetic rotation angle sensor
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
Development of an Automation System for Preliminary Design of HEV and EV Motors
Electromagnetic Field Analysis of the High-Speed Electric Motor Using the JMAG-GPU Solver
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Evaluation of Different Electrical Steels and Iron Loss evaluation of inter-locks vs welds vs bonded lamination cores in IPM Hybrid Motor using JMAG.
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Development of Reduced Rare Earth Magnets by Partial Diffusion Method
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Vibration Optimization of Concentrated Stator and IPM Rotor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Simulation of the IPM Motor in a HILS Environment
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Approach of electromagnetic-field analysis in digital AV equipment
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of Advanced Keyless System Using Magnetic Field CAE
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Attraction force analysis using remanent magnetization
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Characteristics Improvement of Skewed Permanent-magnet Motors
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of Permanent Magnet Eddy-current Loss Using JMAG-SuperExpress
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Design of Switched Reluctance Motor by JMAG for Automotive traction application
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
High fidelity HILS and RCP for motor control development
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Ideal to Electrical Implementation: SaberRD & JMAG-RT Case Study in a Motor Drive System
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
Multi-physics simulation between JMAG and Abaqus, and its applicability to three-field simulation of cell phone speaker acoustic response
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: MBD, Multiphysics
Using JMAG and ANSYS for coupled thermal solution of a high current bus bar exit in GSU transformers
- Applications: Bus Bar
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Finite Elements performance evaluation of a Transverse Flux Machine using Somaloy 500 1P, 700 3P and 5P
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Magnetic and thermal 3D imulation of a conical bearingless PM synchronous machine with JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Multi-objective optimization of electric motors using modeFRONTIER coupled with JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
2D Magnetic, structural and 3D Thermal modeling of Interior PM Synchronous Machine using JMAG
JMAG-CFD coupling by using MpCCI interface
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field Analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electric Drives for Off-Road Mobile Equipment
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, MBD, Multiphysics
Multiscale Noise and Vibration models for a Switched Reluctance-based drivetrain for EV and HEV
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Researches on the Behavior of Vibration and Noise of an IPM Motor on HEV
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Vibration and Noise Analysis of The Motor for Electric Vehicles
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
A Case Example of JMAG-RT Application in an Electrical Automotive MBD
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, MBD
JMAG-RT apply to the design quality verification of motor control ECU
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Leveraging JMAG-RT and FEA-based Models for High Fidelity Real-Time Test in FPGA
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Optimizing Designs with High Throughput Computing
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Large-Scale Processing
A System of Coordination With Analysis Engineers and the Successes That Follow
- Applications: Induction Heating
Development of the self fluxing alloy fusing process with the control system using the simulation
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Effect of magnetic property on the accuracy of induction heating analysis
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Demagnetization Analysis Method using Dy Diffused Magnets and the Most Suitable Dy Diffusion Methods and their Effects for Motor Applications
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
A Vibration Analysis Using Numerical Results of Electromagnetic Analysis of the IPM Motor (D-model of IEEJ), Using package softwares, JMAG & CAEFEM
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Variable Characteristics Motors (Matrix motor and CMMF motor)
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Voltage Boost Type Drive Circuit without Additional Reactor for Switched Reluctance Motor
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Development of a Ferrite Permanent Magnet Axial Gap Motor with Segmented Rotor Structure
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The magnetic simulation using JMAG and Simpleware
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
DC Superposition Characteristic Measurement of Reactors and Comparison with the measured values
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Core Loss Analysis of the Transformers for Vehicle Power Supplies
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Approach of a transformer analysis using JMAG
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing, Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Magnetic Shield Design Optimization in HDD Writer
- Applications: Magnetic Head, Magnetic Shield
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Making JMAG analysis handy by CATIA models
- Applications: Sensor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development and design of a loudspeaker using JMAG-Designer
- Applications: Speaker / Voice Coil Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of Bicycle Generator Hub Dynamo Using JMAG
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The State-of-the-Art in Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Motor Drives
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
Model Based Development and HILS for motor control development
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
The introduction of JMAG-Designer Optimization problem, using modeFRONTIER Direct Interface.
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Variable-Magnetic-Flux Motors for Opening up a World of the New Motor-Drive Technology
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Novel Design of Flux-Intensifying Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Studies on Less Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Hybrid Excitation Motor with High Power Density
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Latest advancements in noise and vibration simulation in support of electrical motors and power electronics.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
On the role of Process Integration and Design Optimization in ECO Electric Motor Design; a proposition
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Multi-Physics Analysis with JMAG-Designer: Current Capabilities and Future Directions
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization, Multiphysics
Latest Advancements in Motor Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation (HILS) based on JMAG-RT
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Introducing the modeFRONTIER JMAG-Designer Direct Interface
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Implementation and Case Study of High Performance/Low Cost Motor HILS using JMAG-RT
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Coupled Analysis of IPM(Interior Permanent Magnet) Motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Developing Motor Drive Systems Using JMAG-RT
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
The Future of JMAG-RT for Furthering Model Based Design
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Development of an Electric Drive Motor for the Honda FCX Clarity
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Electromagnetic Field Analysis for Smart Key Antenna
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Basic Investigation on Magnetic Pole Changing Type Linear Stepping Actuator using Inverse Magnetostrictive Effect. (With JMAG Simulation)
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Study on Electromagnetic Vibration of Magnetic Gear
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Test and Analysis of Superconducting Electromagnetic Tornado Stirring System
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Measurement of Magnetic Properties at High Temperature and Application to Magneto-Thermal Coupled Analysis of Induction Heater
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Guidelines for Generating Mesh in Induction Heating Simulations
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Trends and Challenges of Induction Heating Analyses
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Study of local heating on by IPB connection box and around metallic parts of large power transformer by 3-D Magnetic field analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Characteristic Analysis Chip Inductance Under Stress
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Introduction for the utilization techniques of JMAG for transformer design
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
Expanding and Utilizing JMAG-Designer as Designers
- Applications: Motor, Speaker / Voice Coil Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Utilizing JMAG Designer for 3D Magnetic Field Analysis Models
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Thermal-demagnetization Analysis and Research on Physical Properties of Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Motor Vibration/Noise Simulation Analysis and Its Features
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Logic and Strategies When Analysis and Measured Results Don’t Match
Introduction of Features Contributing to an Easy-to-Use JMAG-Designer
Interior PM Synchronous Machines: Historical Perspectives, Current Status, and Future Directions
Loss Analysis and Shape Optimization of Interior Permanent Magnet Motors
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
AcuSolve: 3D Thermal Flow Analysis of JMAG Results
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Virtual Motor Capable of Connecting to an Inverter that Supports Nonlinear Response (JMAG-RT Compatible)
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
- Technical Themes: MBD
The Newest Developments of Rare-earth Magnets
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Examination of a torque estimation method by using JMAG-RT.
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Expectations from Control Technology to Magnet Field Analyses
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Examples Utilizing JMAG
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Examination of an induction heating simulation using the B-H curve
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis, Multiphysics
Utilizing a Magnetic Field Analysis for a Hybrid Stepping Motor
- Applications: Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Simulation of Small Wind Power Generating System Using PMSG
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Contactless Inductive Power Supply (IPS) System for Electric-driven Vehicles
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Considerration of the Joule Loss in Windings for Power Reactor
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Parametrizing the Coil Construction and Coupling Coefficients of Inverter Transformers in JMAG
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of nonlinear characteristics in high temperature superconductor rotating machine
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Engineer’s Education using Electromagnetics CAE at Mitsubishi Electric
Report of Harumi-1 Project
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Technical Challenges Related to Induction Heating Analyses- Modeling Material Properties –
Reducing the Time Required for Analyses Using JMAG’s Distributed Processing and Parallel Solver
Comparison between IPM and SPM based on Experiment and Analysis Result(Report of Harumi Project1)
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Efficiency improvement of non-contact power supply systems
- Applications: Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of Switching Transformers Using Common and Specialized JMAG Features
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
Estimation of Inductance Variation in Small, Low Profile Transformers
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Scaling ICCG Performance in Multicore: The Current and Future Perspective
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Technology for accelerating electromagnetic field analyses
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Speeding Up JMAG Solver for Large Scale Analysis
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Evaluation of eddy current characteristic for applied high frequency voltage to the giant magnetrostrictive material
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Finite Element Analysis of a Steering Rack Shaft Subjected to the High-Frequency Induction Hardening Process
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Analysis of an induction-heating fusing unit using JMAG
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Field Analysis of a Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator Using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Streamlining Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Supporting the Decision-Making Using modeFRONTIER
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Customized Development of Automotive Motor System using JMAG-Studio
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Numerical Magnetic Field Analysis in Electric Performance Calculation in Large Rotating Machines.
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Computer Analysis of Dual Frequency Induction Heating using JMAG-Studio
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Modern Hardware-In-the Loop Simulation Technology for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
A study on analysis of PM stepping motor
- Applications: Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic and Thermal Characterization of a Permanent-Magnet Tubular Machine using JMAG software
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Evaluation of the acoustic noise of DC permanent magnet motor
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Large Torque and High Effectiency Permanent Magnet Reluctance Motor for A Hybrid Truck
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Introduction to the electromagnetic field analysis software for transformer design
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
An analysis of the inductance for gapped magnet-core reactor
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Object lesson og electric equipment design that users JMAG in Mie University
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Temperature analysis og non-invasive hyperthermia system using JMAG-Studio
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
The Effective Use of Magnetic Property Database
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Demands for electromagnetic field analysis and problems specific to transformers
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
AC Loss Reduction of Superconducting Power Transmission Cables Comprising Coated Conductors
Magnetic Field Analysis of Write Head Recording for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording
Achievements for Research Using JMAG at the Sawa Laboratory in the Department of Science and Technology of Keio University
Analysis of the Third Harmonic Voltage Method Using the Finite Element Method
Current Status of NdFeB Magnet and Analysis method
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Resent Progress of Non-oriented Electrical Steel and Measurement Techniques
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Transition of IPMSM for Air-Conditioners, and a Future Trend.
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Motor Design Technologies Considering Detailed Magnetic Properties in Magnetic Core
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Inductance simulation for Bus Bar
- Applications: Bus Bar
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of the In-wheel Multipolar SR motor for an Electric Vehicle based on Magnetic Circuit Method
- Applications: Motor, SR Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of Transformer using JMAG-Studio
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Large Stroke Linear Oscillators based on Giant Magnetostrictive Material
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Analysis of the Magnetic Force Acting on the Toner in the Black Image Area and White Image Area in the Magnetic Printer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Evaluation of Motors Using Powder Magnetic Cores by JMAG-Studio
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Electromagnetic and Thermal Modeling of a PermanentMagnet Synchronous Machine with Either a Laminated orSMC Stator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Magnetization Patterns and Motor Effeciency of the NEOQUENCH-DR
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
The Axial Air Gap Permanent Magnet Motor for Air Conditioners
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Comparing Coupled Analysis with Experimental results for IPMSM
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Well-Developed Numerical Techniques and Future Expectation for Magnetic Field
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
PSIM: An Expandable Dynamic Simulation Platform for the Analysis and Design of Power Electronics and Motor Drivee Systems
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The SPEED Motor Design Software
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The future trend of real time Simulation technique
- Technical Themes: MBD
Comparison to Measurements of Combined Simulation with RT Model of IPM Motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Practical Use of Connected Electro-circuit Simulation with Electromagnetic Analysis in the Development of Robot Actuator
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: MBD
Analysis of RF devices using JMAG-Studio -Evaluation of transmission characteristics of RFID and RF splitters-
- Applications: RFID
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field, Magnetic Field
Promotion to Spread JMAG to Actuator Development and Applications
- Applications: Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Dynamic Analysis of the PM stepping motor by behavior model and circuit simulator
- Applications: Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
3D Design of Electrical Machines using JMAG-Studio
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Electromagnetic Modelling in Teaching and Research Projects at the Unibersity of Auckland, New Zealand
- Applications: Induction Heating, Wireless Power Transfer
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
Development of 2005 Model Year ACCORD Hybrid
Motor Core Iron Loss Analysis Evaluating Shrink Fit and Stamping Effect
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Local Magnetic Properties in Operating Brushless DC Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
A Study on the Correlation between Core Loss andResistivity of Powder Cores
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Performance Analysis of DC-DC Power Converter
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic characteristics analysis of bulk high-Tc superconductor using JMAG
- Applications: Superconductivity
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
A simulation of the electromagnetic wave distribution in the microwave oven designed by 3-dimensional CAD (CATIA)
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
Model Based Control for IPMSM
Multi-objective Optimization of Electric Motor and its Driving Parameter using modeFRONTIER and JMAG-Simulink Co-simulation Model.
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Loss Analysis of Rotating Machines Considering Carrier Harmonics
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Automatic and optimum design method of SPMSM
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Sensorless Control Scheme and Experimental Characteristics for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Improvement technique of Cogging Torque for PMSM
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Design Method for reducing Cogging Torque
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The Motor Control Technologies for New-Generation Prius
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Practical Applications of Electro-magnetic Analysis Combined with Simulation of Drive Systems for Rotating Machines
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Simulation Analysis for Power Electronic Systems
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
Modeling and Simulation of EMI in Power Electoronics Systems
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic Field Analysis on Motor Design
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Expectation of the Mchatro Total Simulation System and Subjects to that Completion
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Analysis for Motor Iron Core Considering Stress and Magnetic Anisotropic
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Calculation Method of demagnetization for parmanent magnet,and its application to magnetic circuit
Application examples of the grid technology to the large-scale problem of JMAG
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Integration of Parallel ICCG into JMAG and Performance Test
- Technical Themes: Large-Scale Processing
Introduction of JMAG Structural analysis (DS)
- Physical Phenomena: Structural
Electromagnetic Force Analysis of DC Motors Taking Commutation Characteristics into Account
- Applications: Brush Motor / Universal Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Coupled analysis combining magnetic field analysis and structural analysis of IPM motor
Calculation of starting torques of a motor of the outboard rotor type
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Iron loss analysis of smalll motor using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Heating property of re-entrant type resonant cavity applicator for brain tumor hyperthermia
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Optimizaton of form and materials for IPM motor using JMAG-Studio and mode FRONTIER
Introduction of New jeatures on JMAG-Studio Ver.8
Toward More Effective Use of Electromagnetic Field Analysis-Factors Suffocating Extension of CAE and Provisions for them-
What is Effective CAE? -CAE for Diverse Automotive Development and Educating CAE Engineers
Optimization of a Choking Coil using JMAG and AMDESS
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Development of Broadband Splitter for CS Satellite N-SAT-110 Adaptive CATV systems
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
The practical use example of the magnetic field analysis of IPMSM
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Cogging Torque Calculation Considering Magnetic Anisotropy for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
3-Dimensional Analysis of Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Mechanism Using JMAG
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Recent Progress and Future Work in Analyzing Magnetic Recording Write Head Field
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Recent Analysis Method of Actuators Using 3-D Finite Element Method
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor, Stepper Motor, Switching Gear / Breaker
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
Electromagnetic Force Analysis of Multipule Power Source Synchronous Generator
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Neutral Point Signal Characteristics of IPMSM
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Examples of motor analysis using FEMAP as a pre-processor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of a coupled simulation tool of coaxial motor driver by compound current for HEV
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Vibration and acoustic noise analysis of motor
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Influence of Processing Strain on Iron loss of Brushiless DC motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Non-oriented Electrical steel for high frequency motor and some points of concern for use
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Developed Evalulation Technique and Iron Loss Analysis for Motor Core Applied Electrical Steel
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
A 3D-FEM Calculation Of a Small 3-phase permanent Magnets Generate mode of isotoropic Soft Magnetic Composit(SMC) material
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Application Technology and Products Development of Non-oriented Electricall Steel
- Physical Phenomena: Material
Optimization Method for Inner Magnetic Shield in CRT
- Applications: Magnetic Shield
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Introduction of “SOL!BOX” -the Platform integrating CAE
Temperature Distribution Analysis of Optical Disk Using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Recording Field Analysis of Narrow Track Single Pole Type Head
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Numerical Calculation of AC Loss of Superconductor
- Applications: Superconductivity
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Influence of Magnetic Force Distribution on Cogging Torque of Permanent Magnet Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Examination about the analysis method of demagnetization of a permanent magnet
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
PWM Carrier Loss Analysis for Coreless PM Motors
- Applications: Coreless Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Magnetic calculation considering hysteresiswith Hysteron model using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Loss Analysis of Rotating Machines Considering Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields in Stator and Rotor
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
A Method for Nonlinear Magnetic Field Analysis Taking Account of the 2-D Magnetization Property
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Analysis of 2-D Magnetization Property using by JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Improvement of Motor Core Performance by Practical Use Developed Evaluation Technique for Electrical Steel
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Mold design for pole anisotropic injection molding bonded magnet by magnetic field analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Simulation of Electromagnetic Phenomena in the Superconductor
- Applications: Superconductivity
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Numerical Analysis of AC Loss in High-Tc Superconducting Cables
- Applications: Cable
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Numerical Calculation of AC Loss of Superconductor including Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Current
- Applications: Superconductivity
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
The design of microwave circuits using the simulation technology
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control
FDTD Calculations of Heating Characteristics of Thin Coaxial Antennas for Medical Treatments
Mechanism Investigation and Source Improvement of Surface-wave Interfered Plasma Using JMAG WV
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Development of Fast Frequency Sweep for JMAG’s High Frequency Solver
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
Electromagnetic Field Analysis of AC Relay By 3D Model and Auto Mesh
- Applications: Electromagnetic Relay
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Design of magnetic circuit on linear DC motor using by JMAG
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Cogging Torque Analysis of Thin-Shaped Permanent Motor With Pole-Orientations Taking into Account of Material Properties
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Eddy current loss analysis of electrical steel sheet and permanent magnet using JMAG
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Head Field analysis of high-density recording write heads
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Transient Analysis of Write Head for Hard Disk Drives -Comparison Analysis and Electron Beam Tomography Measurement-
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic Printing Simulation for Hard Disk Drives by Using Finite Element Method
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Analysis of A New Motor Drive Control Technology Using by JMAG
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of Characteristics of Permanent Magnet-Field Type Synchronous Generator using JMAG-Studio(DP)
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Recent Analysis Method of Motors Using 3-D Finite Element Method
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Generator, Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
New Practical Analysis of Actuators by 3-D Finite Element Method
- Applications: Induction Motor, IPM Motor, Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator, Motor, Stepper Motor
Alternator Three-dimensional Analysis that Incorporates Rectifier Circuit
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Characteristics Analysis of Scroll-Actuator using 3-D Finite Element Method
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Design of a thin film write head using transient magnetic field analysis
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Developments of high-Bs heads with small core for high-speed recording
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Eddy Current Analysis of Narrow Track Write Heads for Hard Disk Drives -Coparison Longitudinal and Perpendicular Recording Heads-
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Application of Electromagnetic Coupling with motion for High Speed Circuit Breaker
- Applications: Switching Gear / Breaker
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Degaussing Process Analysis Taking Account of Hysteresis for CRT
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Integrated Development Environment for Motor Drive Control System Using JMAG and Matlab/Simulink
- Physical Phenomena: Circuit / Control, Magnetic Field
Introduction of Electrical Steel Sheet & Magnet Database
- Physical Phenomena: Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Use of JMAG-Studio and AMDESS for the Optimaization of Transformer Shape
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Magnetic Field and Thermal Analysis of Motors Using JMAG
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
A New Method of PM Motor Drive Control -Analysis of PM Motor Using by JMAG-Works-
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Studies on Deformation of the Yoke of a DC Motor Caused by Electromagnetic Force
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Structural
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Fast multigrid solver for high frequency electromagnetic analysis
Numerical results of receiving characteristics of a large crane in madium frequency
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
Development of Surface-wave Interferde Plasma Source Using JMAG-Works WV
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
Analysis of Electromagnetic waves using the FDTD Method
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
How to handle a permanent magnet in the magnetic field analysis
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
Effects of some factors on magnetic properties of Non-oriented electrical steel sheets
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Measuremant of the Magnetic Characteristic and modelling of The Magnetic Material For Magnetic Field Analysis
- Applications: Induction Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
Magnetic Field Analysis of a Synchronous Permanent Magnet Motor -Understanding Motor Operation Using JMAG Analyses –
- Applications: Motor, SPM Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic Field Analysis System Utilizing a Personal Computer
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Latest 3-dimensional Magnetic Field Analysis Utilizing Motion
- Applications: IPM Motor, Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator, Motor, SPM Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
3-dimensional Analysis of Magnetic Recording Head Using JMAG
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic Field analysis of write heads for 20-100Gb/in^2 recordings
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Electromagnetics CAE Engineers Education at Mitsubishi Electric
Applications of Optimal Design Methods in Magnetic Field Problems
- Applications: Induction Motor, Magnetic Shield
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
New Features and Future Development of the JMAG Series
Analysis of wave-absorption-property for ferromagnetics by FDTD method
Analysis of a Chip Inductor Using JMAG (TD)
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of Electromagnetic waves using the FDTD Method
Analysis of Flat Coil Motors
- Applications: Axial Gap Type Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Magnetic Field Analysis of Linear Oscillatory Actuator
- Applications: Speaker / Voice Coil Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Transient Analysis of Stepping Motors for Clocks using JMAG-Works
- Applications: Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Latest Magnetic Field Analysis Using the Finite Element Method and Its Application
- Applications: IPM Motor, Linear Solenoid / Linear Actuator, Motor, SPM Motor, Stepper Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Realizing 3D Magnetic Field Analysis of Rotating Machines
- Applications: Generator
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Cogging Torque of a Divided Iron Core Type Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of Impedance Characteristics of Chip Inductor
- Applications: Transformer / Reactor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Analysis of a Liner Drive System
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
High-frequency Induction Heating, etc.
- Applications: Induction Heating
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Thermal
- Technical Themes: Multiphysics
Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Motor
- Applications: IPM Motor, Motor
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Introducing New Features of JMAG-Works and JMAG-Studio -Electromagnetic Field Analysis System for Personal Computers –
Numerical Simulation Analysis of Magnetic Recording
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Challenges for Magnetic Field Analysis of Narrow Magnetic Heads
- Applications: Magnetic Head
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Evaluating AC Loss of Spiral Conductors for Superconducting Cables
- Applications: Superconductivity
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis
JMAG-Works Capabilities on Electromagnetic Analysis on North-American Affairs
Development of Fully Superconducting Linear Actuator Actuator with Bi/Ag Sheathed Tape Windings and YBCO Bulk Thruster
- Applications: Linear Motor, Motor
Behavior Analysis of Toner for Digital Photo Processing
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
Simulating the Coating Process
- Physical Phenomena: Electric Field
Analysis and Design Challenges of Complex Regions
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field
- Technical Themes: Design Exploration / Optimization
Key Points of Numerical Analysis -Present Challenges Related to Material Properties –
- Physical Phenomena: Magnetic Field, Material
- Technical Themes: Material Modeling / Loss Analysis