JMAG-Express Online Update Information (201908)


2019 August Update Information

Template modification

Templates can now be modified from the “Dimensions” tab.
Templates can be reselected by selecting the [Modify] button next to the part name (rotor, stator).
Users are encouraged to try out a variety of templates.

Custom material support

Custom materials can now be used.
Users are now free to use their own material data in JMAG-Express Online.

Concentrated winding support

Concentrated windings can now be selected.

Free report editing

Through the display of graph values, changes in layout, displaying response graphs, displaying multiple cases in a single graph, and more,
this function has been enhanced so that users are now capable of editing reports in any way they need.

Graph Value
Series Lines
Graph Layout/To change the order displayed
Delete Selected Cases]/[Apply Selected Case]

Parametric analysis

Parametric analysis is now possible.
Users are invited to make investigations into their own design proposals with JMAG-Express Online.

Evaluation result CSV file export

Evaluation results can now be exported as CSV files.

Language and color settings

Users can now select languages (Japanese or English).
Additionally, colors for screen backgrounds, model diagrams, and lines can also be changed.

Correction factor input

Users can now configure settings for correction factors.
Combinations of more efficient evaluation results are now possible.

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To all users of JMAG-Express Public
The August 5, 2019 update eliminates many of the differences with JMAG-Express Public.
If you have applied for JMAG-Express Online but have not been using it, please use the updated version.