JMAG-Express Online Update Information (202002)


2020 February Update Information

Efficiency Maps

Multiple maps can be compared when using the parametric function.

PC version

Select the [Map] button and perform control settings.

Mobile version

Tap [Pop menu], and select the [Map] button. Next, perform control settings.

Temperature Evaluating

Generates a thermal equivalent circuit model of the motor and calculates the temperature of each part.

PC version

Select the [Temperature Evaluation] button and set characteristics under the [Thermal] tab.

Mobile version

Tap [Pop menu], and select the [Thermal considering]. Next, set parameters in [Thermal] tab.

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To all users of JMAG-Express Public
The August 5, 2019 update eliminates many of the differences with JMAG-Express Public.
If you have applied for JMAG-Express Online but have not been using it, please use the updated version.