To our valued customers,

This e-mail brings you the most up-to-date information on JMAG!

1) Recommended White Papers
2) JMAG Open Interface

Recommended White Papers:
Accuracy of Motor Plant Model Required for Control Calibration

We introduce White Papers that are most viewed on the WEB.

[W-MB-152] Accuracy of Motor Plant Model Required for ECU testing
ECU testing is performed under various conditions from the normal to the abnormal system. Furthermore, both the torque and rotation speed are tested in a wide region in the driving state of the motor. Normally, DQ models that do not account for spatial harmonics are often used in ECU testing. However, there is a risk that the accuracy of the plant model is insufficient causing incorrect testing when the design margin is reduced by miniaturization and high output of the motor, or when gain adjustment is performed aiming at high responsiveness. This white paper explains the accuracy of the plant model required for ECU testing and presents examples. This paper shows the need to account for voltage limitation in steady torque control, load step response in speed control, and account for the effect of spatial harmonics when determining instantaneous interruption.

To read more, please see the following page!

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JMAG Open Interface

We have updated our site introducing case studies of linked analysis.
In recent years, the sophistication of electrical equipment design is required. As known there is a limit to the design of magnetic circuits alone, therefore multifaceted evaluations such as structure, vibration, heat, and control are required at the same time.It is more efficient to perform coupled analysis by linking different software where they have their own strength in the respective physical phenomenon rather than to adhere to one CAE software.

Click here for details

Case Studies
On the same page, we also introduce case studies from JMAG Users Conference Proceedings every week.
Case Studies of the Week:
Model-based development (MBD) is required in complex and large-scale systems such as aircraft. In this case study, MIL/HIL and actual machine verification are compared in motor drive system development. MATLAB/Simulink is used for modeling the entire system, PSIM is used for the inverter and JMAG-RT is used for the physical model of the motor.

Please check the case studies on the site above.

JMAG Users Conference 2023 in Taiwan

This is to announce that the Taiwan JMAG distributor Jotactic Automotive Consulting Co., Ltd. will be holding the JMAG Users Conference 2023.
We look forward to your participation.

Date:Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 from 9:00am-4:30pm (CST)
Venue: Taipei, Taiwan

For more Information

JMAG Users Conference & Training 2023 In Germany

This is to announce that the Europe JMAG distributor POWERSYS will be holding the JMAG Users Conference in Germany.
The conference will be held over three days; the first day will be Training, and JMAG Users Conference will consist of the second day and the third day.
The Conference is a premier event that brings together EV automotive professionals and EM design experts to discuss the latest advances in the field of electric motor design using finite element analysis (FEA) and multi-systems simulation software.
Come join us!

-JMAG ADVANCED TRAINING: October 9th from 9:00am to 4:00pm
-Advanced eMotor Design Conference (JMAG Users Conference): October 10th-11th from 9:00am to 4:30pm
Venue: NH Collection Frankfurt City (Frankfurt, Germany)

For more Information