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PSIM: An Expandable Dynamic Simulation Platform for the Analysis and Design of Power Electronics and Motor Drivee Systems
Hua Jin, Powersim Inc.
James R Hendershot, Motorsoft Div & Fisher Electric Technology
The SPEED Motor Design Software
Malcolm McGilp, University of Glasgow
JMAG Development Plans 2005-2006
Takashi Yamada, The Japan Research Institute,Limited.
The future trend of real time Simulation technique
Hirotoshi Tonou, Fujitsu Ten Limited
Comparison to Measurements of Combined Simulation with RT Model of IPM Motor
Yukari Toide, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Practical Use of Connected Electro-circuit Simulation with Electromagnetic Analysis in the Development of Robot Actuator
Takeo Kishida, Sony Corporation
Analysis of RF devices using JMAG-Studio -Evaluation of transmission characteristics of RFID and RF splitters-
Takashi Takeo, Mie University
Promotion to Spread JMAG to Actuator Development and Applications
Hideyuki Watanabe, Keihin-corp.co.jp
Dynamic Analysis of the PM stepping motor by behavior model and circuit simulator
Kaoru Miyazaki, SANYO Seimitsu Co.,Limited
3D Design of Electrical Machines using JMAG-Studio
Goran Nord, Hoganas AB
Electromagnetic Modelling in Teaching and Research Projects at the Unibersity of Auckland, New Zealand
Dariusz Kacprzak, The University of Auckland
Development of 2005 Model Year ACCORD Hybrid
Masaaki Kaizuka, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
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