2012 in Germany
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JMAG: Recent development and road map
Takashi Yamada, JSOL Corp.
Using JMAG and ANSYS for coupled thermal solution of a high current bus bar exit in GSU transformers
Costin Ruja, Trafo Proiect SRL
Finite Elements performance evaluation of a Transverse Flux Machine using Somaloy 500 1P, 700 3P and 5P
Cristofaro Pompermaier, HÖganÄs AB
Modelling schemes for Transformers and Chokes
Holzinger, Sumida Electric Co.,Ltd.
Magnetic and thermal 3D imulation of a conical bearingless PM synchronous machine with JMAG
Bogdan Funieru, Technische Universitat Darmstadt
Multi-objective optimization of electric motors using modeFRONTIER coupled with JMAG
Marco Carriglio, ESTECO
2D Magnetic, structural and 3D Thermal modeling of Interior PM Synchronous Machine using JMAG
Mha Prins, Optimal Energy Pty Ltd
JMAG-CFD coupling by using MpCCI interface
Pascal Bayrasy, Fraunhofer SCAI
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