Speaker / Voice Coil Motor

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  1. [JAC243] Voice Coil Motor Control Simulation Using a Control Simulator and JMAG-RT

    In this example, circuit simulation is performed to control the position of a mover by loading a JMAG-RT model for a voice coil motor into a control/circuit simulator.

  2. [JAC065] Static Thrust Analysis of a Voice Coil Motor

    This Application Note explains how to obtain the current characteristics and the translation position characteristics of the static thrust in a voice coil motor, which is a type o…

  3. Simulation of Magnetization for Anisotropic Rare-Earth Bonded Magnets


  4. Development and design of a loudspeaker using JMAG-Designer

    Yoshihide Toyoshima, Onkyo Corporation

  5. Expanding and Utilizing JMAG-Designer as Designers

    Akihiko Furuto, TOHOKU PIONEER Corporation

  6. [JAC009] Sound Pressure Analysis of a Loudspeaker

    This Application Note presents how the frequency characteristics of sound pressure can be obtained using the constant Lorenz force on the voice coil, regardless of the frequency.

  7. Magnetic Field Analysis of Linear Oscillatory Actuator

    Yoshio Tomigashi, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.

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