Shigeyuki Hattori
Since our company adopted JMAG in 1985, we have made an effort to spread its usage in the company. To begin with, there was a lack of understanding about CAE but rather than solving the technological issues surrounding FEM, the issue was how we could gain the understanding of our designers, so we had some problems spreading its usage. After that, we carried out validations of matches between analysis and experiments and by releasing the results, we were able to increase the trust placed in CAE in the company and after several years, we succeeded in spreading its usage.
After that, we addressed issues such as developing our own design tools linked to Excel and aimed at improving operability and establishing a technical proficiency system for analytical staff in the company to raise skills, which has resulted in the present situation in which most of our electromagnetic device designers can use JMAG. In this presentation, I would like to introduce the process that took many years, and went from bitter experiences using CAE in the company to CAE becoming established.
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