Optimized Design of Extrusion Molding System using Multi-Step Magnetization Function

Mayu Maruyama
MG Design Section, Engineering Department 1,
Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. (Abbreviated: PST)


In the process of magnet extrusion molding, the extruded material is anisotropic and oriented to concentrate the resulting magnetic flux in a desired direction during the magnetization stage. However, the resulting surface magnetic flux density after molding is weak and sufficient magnetization is not achieved. Since magnetic field orientation varies as the piece is extruded, its magnetization state changes over time. Such a phenomenon needs to be accounted for and can be treated by the multi-step magnetization function. In this presentation, we will report on the design optimization of an extrusion molding system including the effect of motion with the multi-step magnetization function.

Optimized Design of Extrusion Molding System using Multi-Step Magnetization Function

Optimized Design of Extrusion Molding System using Multi-Step Magnetization Function

Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. 

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