JMAG user conference will be open.
Dates | Tuesday August 19th, 2014 |
Venue | GIS NTU Convention Center (Taipei, Taiwan) |
JMAG user conference will be hosted by our distributor, FLOTREND Corporation. Beginning with a keynote speech, there will be case studies introduced by JMAG users, as well as introducing the latest solutions using JMAG. Please join us for a great opportunity to collect information of uses and technical trends of magnetic field analysis.
09:30 | Registration |
09:50 |
Welcome Speech 勢流科技股-有限公司 |
10:00 |
(1) JMAG Product Roadmap JSOL Takashi Yamada Ph.D General Manager |
10:40 | Tea Break |
11:00 |
(2) JMAG-Designer V13.1 New Functions/Case Study (3) JMAG-Express QuickMode V6.1 快速實用的馬達設計工具 Flotrend |
12:10 | Lunch Time |
13:10 |
(4) 磁通切換式永磁電機(FSPM)之設計與分析 成大馬達中心 謝旻甫主任/李-霆 EMTRC Min-Fu Hsieh, Ph.D. |
13:40 |
(5) 同-磁阻馬達設計與分析 成大馬達中心 謝旻甫主任/翁佑甯 EMTRC Min-Fu Hsieh, Ph.D. |
14:10 |
(6) 雙極環型磁石充磁座設計與分析 金屬中心 王心德 博士/簡銘宏 MIRDC Hsin-Te Wang, Ph.D. |
14:40 | Tea Break |
15:00 |
(7) 鐵芯加工對電磁鋼片之影響-其馬達特性之模擬 中鋼公司 林省揚 博士 China Steel Sheng-Yang Lin, Ph.D. |
15:30 |
(8) 無鐵心永磁線性馬達最佳設計與性能分析 高苑科技大學 江瑞利 老師/帥俊銘 Kao Yuan University Zwe-Lee Gaing, Ph.D. |
16:00 |
(9) 台灣風電綜合評估與高性能小型發電機之設計與分析 台灣科技大學 蕭鈞毓 博士 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Chun-Yu, Hsiao Ph.D. |
16:30 | Q & A |
Event Report
We participated in the 2014 JMAG Users Conference in Taipei, Taiwan. JSOL’s own Mr. Yamada presented a roadmap for JMAG. Flotrend, a distributor for JMAG, demonstrated how to design a motor using JMAG-Express, and introduced JMAG-Designer Ver.13.1. For the user presentations, The Electric Motor Technology Research Center(EMTRC) introduced analysis examples for Flux Switching PM and SynRM. The Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) presented on magnetization analysis and the analysis of magnet characteristics after magnetization, and on comparing actual measurements. China Steel presented on IPM motor analysis, accounting for product degradation due to magnetic steel sheet punching. Kao Yuan University presented examples for optimizing PM linear motors. Taiwan University of Science & Technology presented on small scale generators.
Even during break times, the technical discussions never ceased.
Company Introduction
JMAG Distributors