The 11th SystemSimulationSymposium


Host: NewtonWorks Corporation
Date: Friday, July 14, 2017
Venue: Tokyo Convention Hall Large Hall (Tokyo, Japan)
URL:  (Japanese only)

System Simulation Symposium is a symposium hosted by NewtonWorks Corporation.
At the JMAG booth, we will present JMAG-RT, which has a wide range of uses from the system design to ECU verification using HILS. It performs model-based development that allows plant design and control design to be performed concurrently.
Please have a look at the latest use cases at our booth.

Event Report

We exhibited at the System Simulation Symposium hosted by the NewtonWorks Corporation.
From system design to ECU using HILS, case studies in JMAG-RT’s variety of uses were presented at the JMAG booth. Those with an interest in model-based development and system simulations participated in what was a favorable opportunity to meet those who would like to use JMAG-RT in the future.

