To our valued customer,

JMAG Mail News

JMAG is used by many companies, research centers and educational institutions.

In “Laboratory Interview”, introduction of laboratories, initatives in education and the daily progress of research topics and cases are provided in the form of interviews.

Laboratory Interview: Nagaoka University of Technology

Hidaka Laboratory was newly established in 2021 at Nagaoka University of Technology.
Prof. Hidaka values the challenges in developing new technologies and is working on motor structure innovations while sharing his corporate experience with his students.
In this interview, we ask Prof. Hidaka about the details of his research work and extended our questions to how he communicates with his students as well.

Nagaoka University of Technology

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JMAG Open Interface programs

We have updated our site introducing case studies of linked analysis.
In recent years, the sophistication of electrical equipment design is required. As known there is a limit to the design of magnetic circuits alone, therefore multifaceted evaluations such as structure, vibration, heat, and control are required at the same time.It is more efficient to perform coupled analysis by linking different software where they have their own strength in the respective physical phenomenon rather than to adhere to one CAE software.

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Rolls-Royce Hungary Kft
On the same page, we also introduce case studies from the presentation materials from JMAG Users Conference Proceedings every week.
This week, we present a case study from Rolls-Royce Hungary Kft.
With JMAG’s interfaces to NX-Nastran and STAR-CCM+, a design workflow is created to enable each of the different design teams to work together in the cloud (AWS).
Please access the page above to view the case study.