To our valued customers,


This email provides you with the most up-to-date information on JMAG!

1) Column: “An engineer’s diary”
2) JMAG Open Interface

Column: “An engineer’s diary”

The column “An engineer’s diary” by Prof. Miller is available on the JMAG website.
It is updated once a month, and the following columns have been published.

[No. 63] Oh no! No magnets!

The folks who make some of our motors
Have problems producing the rotors :
Their magnet supply
Ran totally dry;
So now we must find a new modus.

Scarcity is nothing new in human history, and in electrical products we hear about it all the time in relation to lithium or rare earths, or even copper. So the poem might seem light-hearted, but actually it attempts to be serious. Let’s analyze it as though we were back at school…Read more

An engineer's diary

Read more

You can also make inquiries to Prof. Miller if you have any questions. There is a comment form at the bottom of each column page. If you have any comment, please!!

In addition, Please have a look along with “On-demand Webinar: Brush up on Motor Design!”.
From beginners in motor design to experts in design and analysis, this content can be of reference to everyone. You can view not only in English but also in many language!

On-demand Webinar

JMAG Open Interface

We have updated our site introducing case studies of linked analysis.
In recent years, the sophistication of electrical equipment design is required. As known there is a limit to the design of magnetic circuits alone, therefore multifaceted evaluations such as structure, vibration, heat, and control are required at the same time.
It is more efficient to perform coupled analysis by linking different software where they have their own strength in the respective physical phenomenon rather than to adhere to one CAE software.

Click here for details

Case Studies
On the same page, we also introduce case studies from JMAG Users Conference Proceedings every week.
Case Studies of the Week:
Agile development is the key to the fast-paced electrification of aircraft. JMAG was used for magnetic field analysis in the structural, thermal, and mechanical design workflow built with Siemens PLM software. A stress-free link was realized using the multi-purpose output tool.

Please check the case studies on the site above.

JMAG Users Conference 2023

Hello, this is the Users Conference secretariat.
We are pleased to announce the 30th JMAG Users Conference.

JSOL Corporation would like the Users Conference each year to be an opportunity for users to communicate and share ideas.
A wealth of content will be provided to satisfy a range of skill levels including JMAG wizards and beginners, as well as those who have not yet participated in the Users Conference.
We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces!

Date: December 6 and 7, 2023
Venue: Hamamatsucho Convention Hall (Tokyo, Japan)

For more Information