Download the JMAG-RT RTT Calculator for use with Simcenter Amesim

Use the below versions of RTT Calculator in accordance with your version of Simcenter Amesim.
For information on supported versions of Simcenter Amesim and RTT Calculator, please contact Simcenter Amesim support.
Simcenter Amesim  

JMAG-RT RTT Calculator

Simcenter Amesim 2210 :

Ver. 2.0.94(21.0)

OS File name Size Updated
Windows 64bit 524KB 2022-08-31
Linux 64bit 1.06MB 2022-08-31

Simcenter Amesim older version than 2210 :

Ver. 2.0.51

OS File name Size Updated
Windows 64bit 381KB 2020-09-08
Linux 64bit 766KB 2020-09-08
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How to use RTT file

Use the JMAG-RT Motor Model Library after reading and agreeing to the following terms of use.

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