Initiatives in Engineer Education Focusing on Magnetic Field Analysis at Miki Pulley Co., Ltd.

Shigeyuki Hattori
R&D Group Research and Development Dept., MIKI PULLEY Co.,Ltd.


Since its introduction to our company, we have endeavored to put JMAG to widespread, practical use.
Although we were initially unable to comprehend CAE, making any extensive applications somewhat difficult, these difficulties are already well in the past. We are now at a stage where CAE is integral to our development and design work.
With the in-house development of simple tools for improved levels of convenience, and the introduction of the certification program for in-company training, almost all of our design engineers now use JMAG on a daily basis.
Due to the widespread use of these tools, however, younger engineers have become overly reliant on the convenience that they provide. Even if results are obtained, these engineers are unable to understand the mechanisms of the physical phenomena that occur. This has led to an inability to forge hypotheses, or think sufficiently enough to draw any correct conclusions.
This presentation introduces our ongoing efforts in resolving issues such as these over the span of several years, wherein we discuss that while convenient tools such as CAE gain widespread use, there exists a lack of techniques for correctly using analysis.

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