In the development process electrical equipment, attempts are being made to use topology optimization that can make substantial changes to the shape of optimal designs. As a result, a large number of design plans are obtained and innovative design plans that have never been considered are being created.
When topology optimization is executed using the on/off method, calculations for multiple cases are required. Operation speed can be increased by using the many cores of remote machines connected to the network and distributing the processing (Fig. a).
Remote execution can be done either by using the JMAG job management system (JMAG-RemoteSytem) or by using a third-party job management system via SSH (Secure Shell).
This document describes how to perform topology optimization calculations with the on/off method on a Linux remote machine via SSH.
Fig. a The flow of distributed processing using remote machine functions
Topology optimization, on / off method, Remote machine, Linux, Shell, SSH, Job management system, PBS, Distributed execution