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JMAG Development Plans
Takashi Yamada, JSOL Corp.
Interior PM Synchronous Machines: Historical Perspectives, Current Status, and Future Directions
Thomas M. Jahns, University of Wisconsin
Loss Analysis and Shape Optimization of Interior Permanent Magnet Motors
Katsumi Yamazaki, Chiba Institute of Technology.
AcuSolve: 3D Thermal Flow Analysis of JMAG Results
Farzin Shakib, ACUSIM Software, Inc.
Virtual Motor Capable of Connecting to an Inverter that Supports Nonlinear Response (JMAG-RT Compatible)
Yoshihiko Ozaki, DSP Technology Co.,Ltd.
The Newest Developments of Rare-earth Magnets
Dai Higuchi, ShinEtsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
Examination of a torque estimation method by using JMAG-RT.
Hajime Hida, Yoshio Tomigashi, Kenji Ueyama, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
Expectations from Control Technology to Magnet Field Analyses
Shinji doki, Nagoya University.
Examples Utilizing JMAG
Shunsuke Funaji,Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding co.,ltd
Examination of an induction heating simulation using the B-H curve
Takashi Horino,NETUREN CO.,LTD.
Utilizing a Magnetic Field Analysis for a Hybrid Stepping Motor
Masaru Kobori,Oriental Motor Co., LTD
Simulation of Small Wind Power Generating System Using PMSG
Katsumi Kesamaru,Kyushu University
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Contactless Inductive Power Supply (IPS) System for Electric-driven Vehicles
Yushi Kamiya,Waseda University
Considerration of the Joule Loss in Windings for Power Reactor
Tsutomu Hamada,Tamura Coporation
Parametrizing the Coil Construction and Coupling Coefficients of Inverter Transformers in JMAG
Masahiro Kitagawa,MINEBEA CO.,LTD
Analysis of nonlinear characteristics in high temperature superconductor rotating machine
Taketsune Nakamura,Kyoto University