Use of JMAG-Studio and AMDESS for the Optimaization of Transformer Shape

Matsushita Electronic Components Co.,Ltd


Shorter development periods and greater efficiency are increasingly required in the development of all products. As a potential solution that would enable characteristic evaluation without making a prototype, we have sought to incorporate JMAG-Studio in the product development stage.
The setting of dimensions during product design still relies, to some extent, on our experience and knack. It is therefore difficult to judge whether the best selection has been made. Another difficulty is the reconstruction of an analysis model that becomes necessary whenever a dimension change takes place. To address the former issue, we used the general-purpose parameter optimization program AMDESS as a decision support tool for shape dimension setting. The latter issue was addressed by using JMAG-Studio’s scripting function.
A transformer was selected as the design subject, and initial calculation was carried out for nine (9) cases using experimental design orthogonal array. In addition, optimization calculation and analysis were repeatedly carried out for four (4) cases which resulted in an improvement of the target value by approximately 1.25% against the best solution that was obtained in the initial calculation. The validity of these results was then confirmed by checking the sensitivity of the response surface for the obtained solution.
The results appear to indicate that the use of JMAG-Studio and AMDESS in product development can shorten the development time and improve the design accuracy.

Keywords: transformer; shape optimization, coupling coefficient, self-inductance

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