An Introduction of Cloud Computing Application for Motor Design Speed Improvement

Kensuke Sasaki
EV System Laboratory Research Division,
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.


For Vehicle traction motors, which require a wide range of speed-torque operating points, not only their efficiencies but also the temperatures at various locations need to be evaluated in detail during the design process to improve the continuous output rating. This require 3D magnetic field transient analysis to capture loss value at each location in the motor.
On the other hand, this analysis requires a certain level of computing performance to complete the calculation in a reasonable time because of the model size. At the same time, we may have an issue that running the analysis requires ingenuity, such as making adjustments between other analyses that similarly require the aforementioned computing capability.
Here, we focus on the possibility of utilizing the Cloud, which allows to purchase computing capability on an hourly basis, and evaluate its ability to flexibly respond to the requirement of ever-changing calculation scale/amount in the design process. We use Microsoft Azure as one of the Cloud computing services, perform the 3D magnetic field transient analysis, evaluate if the provided computing performance is sufficient for the calculation, and examine the possibility of improving the efficiency during the design process by utilizing the Cloud.

An Introduction of Cloud Computing Application for Motor Design Speed Improvement

An Introduction of Cloud Computing Application for Motor Design Speed Improvement

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