Hybrid Method of Topology and Parameter Optimization Considering Magnetic and Circuit Properties of Power Electronic Devices -The Application Example to Wireless Power Transfer-

Kazuki Sato
Digital Design Center, Technology and Intellectual Property H.Q.,
OMRON Corporation


Wireless power transfer (WPT) that charging various electric devices without cables have attracted much attention in recent years. One of the features is that the magnetic properties are changed due to the misalignment between the transmitting and receiving coils. Therefore, to improve the performance of WPT, there are two key points: (1) designing coils the magnetic properties of which is highly robust against the misalignment and (2) calculating the electric circuit properties considering the variation of the magnetic properties.
In this presentation, to satisfy these points, we propose a hybrid method of topology optimization applying to the magnetic cores and parameter optimization applying to the winding coils for (1), and an automated design system capable of considering both magnetic and electric circuit properties for (2). The system was developed through the collaborative research, and JMAG was applied to magnetic analysis to make it easy to be use for various situations and designers.

Hybrid Method of Topology and Parameter Optimization Considering Magnetic and Circuit Properties of Power Electronic Devices -The Application Example to Wireless Power Transfer-

Hybrid Method of Topology and Parameter Optimization Considering Magnetic and Circuit Properties of Power Electronic Devices -The Application Example to Wireless Power Transfer-

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