Initiatives in Induction Hardening Simulation by coupling JMAG and Simufact

Ippei Ohnuma
Technical Development Department,
NDK Inc.


The induction hardening process for steels is broadly divided into induction heating processing and cooling processing, and the solid-phase transformation (hereafter referred to as “phase transformation”) in these processes is used to obtain a hard metallic structure known as “martensite” on surfaces.
In the induction heating analysis, the temperature distribution, stress distribution, and deformation, etc., of an object to be heated can be obtained with high fidelity using JMAG which can couple magnetic analysis and thermal analysis. However, the current version of JMAG does not account for phase transformation in the analysis. Therefore, it is not possible to analyze the stress distribution and deformation associated with the phase transformation to martensite in the cooling processing, in addition to the phase transformation to austenite in the induction heating processing. We therefore tried a coupled analysis between JMAG and the structural analysis software Simufact, which can analyze the phase transformation of the steel. In this presentation, we introduce our initiatives in induction hardening analysis through this coupling between JMAG and Simufact.

Initiatives in Induction Hardening Simulation by coupling JMAG and Simufact

Initiatives in Induction Hardening Simulation by coupling JMAG and Simufact

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