Lorentz Force Analysis

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  1. [JAC150] Electromagnetic Repulsion Analysis of a Vacuum Circuit Breaker

    This Application Note presents how to obtain the electromagnetic repulsion in a circuit breaker from the Lorentz force when a 100 kA current is flowing.

  2. [JAC149] Analysis of Magnetic Force Acting on the Arc of a Vacuum Circuit Breaker

    This Application Note presents how to calculate the current density and Lorentz force of a vacuum circuit breaker, and obtain its arc-diffusing force.

  3. Approach of a transformer analysis using JMAG

    Kazuki Semba, JSOL Corp.

  4. Stress analysis of stator coil-end portion of turbine generator

    Kohei Kuroda, Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.

  5. Computer simulation of high-frequency induction heating using a coupling of JMAG, FLUENT and ANSYS.


  6. Practical application of stress analysis of stator coil-end portion of turbine generator

    Takayuki Mizumoto, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.

  7. [JAC140] Analysis of Electromagnetic Repulsion Produced in Small Contact Bridges

    This Application Note presents the use of a magnetic field analysis to obtain the electromagnetic repulsion when a switch is closed, creating a contact bridge.

  8. [JAC084] Electromagnetic Forming Analysis of a Tube

    This Application Note explains how to obtain the Lorentz force density distribution generated in a tube when current is run through a coil.

  9. [JAC183] Agitation Force Analysis of an Induction Furnace

    This analysis will evaluate the size of Lorentz force required to agitate and where this is generated.

  10. Development of a Simulation Method for Electromagnetic Stirring in Levitation Melting Furnace Using a JMAG-STAR-CCM+ Two-Way Coupled Analysis

    Asako Kamimoto, Daido Steel Co., Ltd. / Shinsuke Inoue, Star Info Tech Co.,Ltd.

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