JMAG-RT Solution Operating Environment

Last Updated 2025-01-14

1. Control Simulator

Modules for PSIM Linkage

( i ) Coupling with JMAG-RT
JMAG-RT Module PSIM Module
JMAG-Designer Ver.22.0.01 Windows 64bit MAGCoupler-RT PSIM Professional Ver.9.3.2~11.1.3
JMAG-Designer Ver.21.2.02
( ii ) Direct Coupling of JMAG and PSIM
JMAG Version PSIM Module
JMAG-Designer Ver.22.0.01 Windows 64bit MAGCoupler,
MAGCoupler_DL_PSIM Professional 2020a, 2021a, 2021b
JMAG-Designer Ver.21.2.02
The Link between PSIM and Simulink
Support will be provided for versions up to JMAGv22.0.1/21.2.02.

Operations are not guaranteed for JMAG releases in and after April 2023.

The Link between PSIM and Simulink
PSIM Professional ⇔ SimCoupler ⇔ Simulink ⇔ MATLAB
  • SimCoupler is required to couple PSIM and MATLAB.
    * Only the 64-bit version is available for PSIM 2020a or later.
  • Our company does not guarantee the coupling with PSIM 32-bit in the 64-bit environment to function properly.

* For enquires on the PSIM modules, please contact Powersim Inc., or the distributor in your region.

Modules for MATLAB Linkage

( i ) Coupling with JMAG-RT
JMAG-RT Module MATLAB Module
JMAG-Designer Ver.24.0
JMAG-Designer Ver.23.2
JMAG-Designer Ver.23.1
64bit MATLAB/Simulink R2023a, R2023b, R2024a
( ii ) Direct Coupling of JMAG and MATLAB
JMAG Version MATLAB Module
JMAG-Designer Ver.24.0
JMAG-Designer Ver.23.2
JMAG-Designer Ver.23.1
64bit MATLAB/Simulink R2023a, R2023b, R2024a
  • PSpiceSLPS Interface (SLPS) is required to couple MATLAB/Simulink and electric / electronic circuit simulators.
  • SimPowerSystems is required to use a electric signal block.
  • OrCAD PSpiceA/D is the analog-digital integrated simulator, which requires either OrCAD Capture (circuit diagram input tool) or “Capture CIS” with database management feature. The UnisonEE package (OrCAD PSpiceA/D and Capture) is also available.

* For enquires on the MATLAB modules, please contact The Math Works, Inc., or the distributor in your region.
* For enquires on the OrCAD PSpiceA/D, please contact Cadence Design Systems, Inc., or the distributor in your region.

Systems Supporting JMAG-RT

JMAG-Designer Ver.10.5 or later
  • SILS, MILS: System level simulator
Company NameProductCountry
ESI ITI GmbHSimulationXGermany
Gamma TechnologiesGT-SUITEUSA
The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB/SimulinkUSA
National Instruments LabVIEW/VeriStandUSA
Powersim Inc.PSIMUSA
Siemens Industry Software S.A.S.LMS Imagine.Lab AmesimBelgium
Synopsys, Inc.SaberRDUSA
Smart Energy Laboratory Co.,Ltd. UpdScideamJapan
  • HILS: Real-time simulator
Company NameProductCountry
Concurrent Real-Time Inc. -USA
DSP Technology Co.,Ltd RTSimJapan
OPAL-RT Technologies Inc.RT-LABCanada
Typhoon HIL -USA

* See Product Partners for more information on each company.
* The product and service names contained herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

2. JMAG-RT Behavior Model Data Generation

  • Controller (RT Manager)
    RTx1 or higher
    * 1 RT license is required to generate a couple of behavior model data.
  • Magnetic Field Analysis Solver
    For 2D: DP Modules x Number of Distributed Processing Machines
    For 3D: TR Modules x Number of Distributed Processing Machines

* JMAG is a registered trademark of JSOL Corporation.
* PSpice is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
* MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The Math Works, Inc. in the United States.
* The names of products and services described herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners.