Motor design benefits from creating an efficiency map to review the available drive regions and the efficiency at each operating point for each design proposal. In addition, a parameter optimization can automatically explore values of design variables to find ideal values for the objective functions. However, multi-case calculations are necessary to create efficiency maps and run optimizations.
JMAG creates efficiency maps via efficiency map analysis studies. Users can also combine these efficiency map analysis studies with various optimizations. These multi-case calculations can take advantage of remote computers connected to a network to distribute and simultaneously run multiple processes more quickly. Users need to grasp the JMAG settings that determine how many simultaneous jobs run when using distributed processing to effectively use every core for a simulation.
This tutorial describes the procedures to distribute and run an analysis group consisting of an efficiency map analysis study (speed priority mode) and a parametric optimization using a magnetic field analysis study across remote computers.
efficiency map, optimization, distributed processing, parallel processing, SSH, remote, Linux, cluster, job management system, job, power simulation license, PSL, speed priority