Numerical results of receiving characteristics of a large crane in madium frequency

Tomita Hajime, National Institute of Industrial Safety


In this report,r eceiving characteristics of al arge crane,such as a tower crane, in medium frequency(MF) are calculated using a model crane for countermeasures against such electromagnetic interferences(EMI) as the malfunction of am oment limiter due to MF. The mast, gib and wire length of the model crane are 50.5m, 26m and 48m, respectively. The MF ranges from 400kHz to 1.2MHz. As for the numerical results, the current distribution along the crane and the voltage at the hook of the crane depend irradiated direction of MF to the crane mainly at a resonance frequency. The current on the crane distributes almost sinusoidally. The high voltages at the hook are obtained at two resonance frequencies.
Keywords: tower crane, medium frequency, antenna, induced current, induced voltage, EMI

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