Structure, Characteristics and Analysis of Poly-Phase Induction Motor for Automotive Traction Applications

Akira Chiba
School of Engineering,
Tokyo Institute of Technology


To realize sustainable circumstances, the electrification has been adapted in automotives to decrease the CO2 emission. Not only hybrid automotives, but pure electrical vehicles have been produced. The rare-earth permanent magnet motors have been installed in most cases, however, the price and supply of the rare-earth material may be limited. A few electrical vehicles employ induction motors.
In this paper, a structure, characteristics and analysis of poly-phase induction motor are presented. The efficiency of induction motors are increased as output ratings are increased, in addition, it is also increased by poly-phase winding structure. However, the analysis of induction motors are not easy.

Structure, Characteristics and Analysis of Poly-Phase Induction Motor for Automotive Traction Applications

Structure, Characteristics and Analysis of Poly-Phase Induction Motor for Automotive Traction Applications

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