Investigation of the Effect on Electromagnetic Excitation Force Considering Dynamic Eccentricity in Ultra-High Rotation Motor

Takashi Maeda
Engineering Department,
ESTECH Corporation


Ultra-High rotation speed of drive motor is one of the key issues to realize downsizing of EV units.
On the other hand, the expansion of the upper frequency limit of the 1-st order rotor rotation due to higher RPM may cause an increase in eccentricity by the rotor shaft bending mode and an imbalance of magnetic attractive force by the eccentric locus.
The latter is a source of new excitation input and may cause serious deterioration of motor NV performance by exciting the structural resonance system of the motor unit.
In this paper, we have investigated the effect of the dynamic eccentricity of the rotor shaft center axis on the electromagnetic excitation force under unbalanced excitation inputs using Multiphysics simulation of a simple motor unit FE model.
And it clarified the motor NV issue and the mechanism of its occurrence in the Ultra-High speed range.

Investigation of the Effect on Electromagnetic Excitation Force Considering Dynamic Eccentricity in Ultra-High Rotation Motor

Investigation of the Effect on Electromagnetic Excitation Force Considering Dynamic Eccentricity in Ultra-High Rotation Motor

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