Coupled Optimization of Active and Passive Components in Electric Machines: Towards Performance, Efficiency, Reliability and EMC Objectives

Mohamed Essam Ahmed
Multibody Dynamics, NVH & Electromagnetic,
AVL List GmbH


The study covers coupled optimization of active electromagnetic components (such as magnets, copper, and lamination) and passive electric components (e.g., insulation paper, winding coating) in electric machines. The insulation system of the electric machine acts as an EMC transfer path that influences electromagnetic compatibility and safety as it can lead to increased parasitic capacitive coupling and sequentially, early failures of bearings due to bearing currents or electric discharges. The study proposes a multi-physics optimization approach that simultaneously targets performance, safety, and EMC objectives, integrating electromagnetic and electrical reliability considerations. The optimization considers electric machine geometries and their impact on parasitic capacitance, addressing EMC issues and enhancing the electric reliability of the e-machine.

Coupled Optimization of Active and Passive Components in Electric Machines: Towards Performance, Efficiency, Reliability and EMC Objectives

ECoupled Optimization of Active and Passive Components in Electric Machines: Towards Performance, Efficiency, Reliability and EMC Objectives

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