Recording Field Analysis of Narrow Track Single Pole Type Head

Yasushi Kanai, Niigata Institute of Technology


High track density perpendicular single pole type (SPT) head is investigated by using JMAG-Works/Studio, 3-D finite element analysis. Recording field strength and stray field along the cross-track direction of 38 nm track width (areal density of lTb/in^2 is assumed) SPT head are noted. Then, several structures are investigated in order to obtain strong recording field with the track width. By assuming the side shield cores, the stray field can be decreased greatly; i.e. the value of (stray field at adjacent track)/(recording field on track) can be reduced greatly with the side yoke shields. This fact is also valid when the density of 200Gb/in^2 (100 nm write track width) is assumed. To compensate the decrease of write field, increasing the main pole thickness is the most effective.
Keyword: Perpendicular Magnetic Recording, Single Pole Type Head, High Track Density, The Finite-Element Methods, JMAG-Works/Studio

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