Analysis of Permanent Magnet Eddy-current Loss Using JMAG-SuperExpress

Shinsuke Kayano*, Shinji Nishimura
EM Design Group, xEV center, Himeji Works, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation


An example of permanent magnet eddy-current loss in IPM (Interior permanent magnet) motors is shown.
Evaluate reducing the permanent eddy-current loss becomes an important design issue in order to reduce PM costs. However, it is well known that analyzing permanent magnet eddy-current loss in IPM motors costs enormous efforts such as mesh model making, condition setting, computation time, and so on.
In these circumstances, we have introduced the JMAG-SupwerExpress to be easier operations and to be faster calculation time. We also investigate accuracy of analytic results of the JMAG-SuperExpress comparing with conventional 3D-FEA in an IPM motor.

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