Enhancing Precision in Superimposed Direct Current Characteristics Computations using a Powder Soft Magnetic Core

Kinji Kanagawa


Development of electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) has progressed in recent years as an environmental measure. Heavy promotions have encouraged EV/HEV use to combat environmental issues and rising fuel costs and expectations are that this market will continue to grow in the future. Development is moving forward on the xEV car, which will use a motor as its propulsive force instead of an engine, but to get the driving or acceleration functionality this car needs to be practical, there needs to be greater motor output, further compacting and raised efficiency and higher voltage. A converter boosting battery voltage is essential for achieving higher voltage, which makes an essential issue for solution out of improved efficiency,
further compacting and cutting costs in the reactor, as an integral part. Our company conducts business in powder soft magnetic core materials and core molding. Being able to predict characteristics in reactors used for development is vital from a material development point of view and greater precision in doing this is required. This paper will report on how JMAG enabled predictions to a practical level of precision of a reactor’s direct current characteristics using a soft powder magnetic core.

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