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  1. Comparing Numerical with Statistical Iron Core Loss Modelling Approaches for Application in Automotive Traction Electrical Machines

    Sigrid JACOBS / Jan RENS, ArcelorMittal

  2. [JAC222] Irreversible Thermal Demagnetization Analysis of Incompletely Magnetized Magnets

    In this example, analysis is performed while varying the temperature of magnetized magnets, and then the influence on the torque waveform and magnetic flux density distribution is…

  3. [JAC034] Demagnetization Analysis of an SPM Motor

    This note presents the use of a magnetic field analysis to evaluate the demagnetizing ratio distribution of an of an SPM motor by changing the current flow.

  4. [JAC126] Magnetization Analysis Accounting for Eddy Currents

    This Application Note presents how to obtain the magnetization field distribution accounting for eddy currents in the magnetic material to be magnetized, the eddy current density …


    Application of Thin Wire of Soft Magnetic Pure Iron to AC Solenoid

    Shota Iimura, KOBE STEEL, LTD.

  6. [JAC262] IPM Motor Thermal Demagnetization Analysis Accounting for Dy-Diffusion Magnet Incomplete Magnetization

    In this example, a motor using Dy diffused magnets the thermal demagnetization resistance of the Dy diffused magnets with a coercive force distribution when there is incomplete ma…

  7. [W-MA-76] Material Modeling Method for Electromagnetic Field/Iron Loss Analyses Considering Residual Strain

    This paper proposes an electromagnetic field analysis and iron loss analysis based on the assumption that the effect of punching can be expressed as a function of the distance fro…

  8. [W-MO-114] Comparison of Efficiency Map with Measurement

    This document compares an efficiency map obtained with simulations with an efficiency map consisting of actual measurements, achieving an error of 1% or less for entire regions.

  9. [W-MA-100] Introducing the Detailed Analysis Method for Electromagnetic Steel Sheet for High-Precision Loss-Assessment

    Here, we use a simple example and consider the significance of taking into account the eddy currents and magnetic hysteresis during magnetic field analysis.

  10. Application of Electromagnetic Field and Structural Coupled Analysis to Transformer

    Hayato Naojima, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.

  11. EV IPM Motor Continuous Operation Loss Evaluation Based on Hysteresis Play Model

    Marin Vulic, Rimac Automobili d.o.o.

  12. Next Generation EV Motor Design Using JMAG-Designer

    Bernd Cebulski, IAV GmbH

  13. Analytical/Experimental Verification of Thermal Characteristics of Axial Gap Motors, and Comparison Between Axial and Radial Gap Motors

    Ren Tsunata, Okayama University

  14. A Study of Improving Demagnetization Resistance Performance by JMAG Topology Optimization

    Shogo Shintani, Toshiba Corporation

  15. Optimization (multi-objective, multi-physical) and Verification of E-Motor Design Using Real Test Bench Data

    Tim Schwartz / Sebastian Igel, Great Wall Motor Austria Research & Development GmbH

  16. High Speed Measurement System for Improving Accuracy of Magnetic Properties of Material Database

    Shigeru Aihara, BRIGHTEC Co., Ltd

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