Electromagnetic and heat transfer analysis of HFW steel pipe

Akira Kawanishi
Solution Division(Kawasaki) CAE Center, JFE TECHNO-RESEARCH CORPORATION


We perform coupled magnetic field and thermal analyses for the manufacturing process of HFW steel pipes. (HFW:High Frequency Electric Resistance Welding)
The HFW steel pipes are produced through the method to weld the steel sheet edges using the joule heat, after producing the eddy current within the pipes caused by the magnetic field occurring in the work coils.
JMAG-Designer is used to perform the electromagnetic and heat transfer analyses for the HFW steel pipes, and We established FEM calculation model.
HFW steel pipes are heated while moving at a constant speed, an analysis method that can deal with heat transfer is required.
Conventional JMAG-Designer only supported the heat transfer in the straight direction. At the same time, special attention and care were required on generating mesh, such as making it finer, considering the heat transfer due to v-shaped welding point of HFW steel pipes.
In this presentation, we would like to report the improved JMAG-Designer which now supports heat transfer in any direction leading to accurate analysis.

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