A Temperature Prediction Technique of Motors by the Combination Between Harmonic Loss Simulation by JMAG-Designer and Thermal Simulation by FloTHERM.

Manabu Kawaji
Chassis & Vehicle Safety Engineering Dept., Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.


The environment temperature for an in-vehicle motor becomes severe enough, and the importance of thermal design increases.
Taking estimation via simulating the generation of heat from a motor can also be advantageous for magnet design. Highly accurate loss data is important in guaranteeing the accuracy of thermal fluid analysis, but there is a hurdle such as that MILS models using JMAG-RT plant models are also necessary. However, since it became possible to build an SILS environment in JMAG from version 17.1, we tried a coupled analysis with harmonic loss calculation using this new function and thermal fluid analysis FloTHERM.

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