Optimization and High-precision Modeling of Permanent Magnet-free Motors

Daisuke Sato
Nagaoka Motor Development Co., Ltd.


This presentation introduces design and analysis methods for synchronous reluctance motors and switched reluctance motors.
In the design of the synchronous reluctance motor, a method was used to define the shape of the flux barrier using Zhukovsky’s airfoil function in order to reduce the number of parameters. In addition, we used Python and JMAG-Designer to carry out a design that minimized torque ripple.
In the analysis of the characteristics of the switched reluctance motor, a 3D model was used to improve the analysis accuracy of the flux linkage characteristics. Furthermore, by taking into account the eddy currents in the wire, the measured values and analysis results for the load analysis were in good agreement.

Optimization and High-precision Modeling of Permanent Magnet-free Motors

Optimization and High-precision Modeling of Permanent Magnet-free Motors

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