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  1. [JFT191] Automatic Export of Result Tables Using Script

    This tutorial describes the procedures to distribute and run an analysis group consisting of an efficiency map analysis study (speed priority mode) and a parametric optimization u…

    • [JFT192] User-defined Thermal Resistance Settings Using Python

      This tutorial describes the procedures to specify thermal resistance using Python scripts.

      • [JFT189] Creation of a Transfer Function and the Vibration Analysis using JMAG-Designer

        In this document, you will learn the steps to create a transfer function of a motor and perform the vibration analysis.

        • [JFT153] Topology Optimization Calculations Using CNN Surrogate Models

          This document describes as the workflow for topology optimization calculations using CNN surrogate models running topology optimization for creating a CNN surrogate model, creatin…

          • [JFT184] Using a Script to Remove Unnecessary Steps From Result Files

            This document explains how to remove unnecessary steps from a result file.

          • [JFT165] Running JMAG Using a Python Development Environment

            This document explains how to run a Python script on a third-party integrated development environment, then configure the settings for conditions in JMAG.

            • [JFT174] Workflow and Key Points of Parameter Optimization

              This document is intended for intermediate-level readers who can use the technical materials to improve the accuracy and operational efficiency of the analyses that they are invol…

            • [JFT114] Correcting Efficiency Maps Using Scripts

              This document uses a JMAG-Designer efficiency map study (speed priority) to describe the method for correcting the response values of created efficiency maps with Python scripts.

            • [JFT134] Inheritance Between Current Waveform Studies

              This document describes the method for setting a current waveform obtained from a 2D analysis to a 3D analysis automatically by using a post calculation script.

              • [JFT082] Automatic Report Creation Including Contour Plots When Running Multi-case Calculations

                This document describes the method for outputting report files while calculating multiple cases.

              • [JFT110] Evaluating the Effect of the Large Number of Holes Generated by Topology Optimization

                This document describes how to efficiently analyze the presence or absence of an effect on hole response values when a large number of holes are generated as a result of topology …

                • [JFT019] Setting an FEM Conductor Condition for a Set of Parts

                  This document describes how to set the FEM conductor conditions collectively for many wires using a script pre-installed in JMAG.

                  • [JFT056] Using an Electromagnetic Force Output Script for NVH

                    This document presents sample data and procedures to learn how to use an "electromagnetic force output for NVH" script.

                  • [JFT121] Calculating Energy Consumption During Drive Cycle Using Efficiency Maps

                    This document describes the method for calculating energy consumption during a drive cycle using an obtained efficiency map and tools.

                  • [JFT124] Searching for the Parameter Range Reducing Geometry Collapse During Optimization Calculations

                    This document describes the method for using the functions useful in searching parameter ranges that reduce geometry collapse during optimization calculations.

                  • [JFT154] Automatic Generation of Motor Thermal Analysis Model of Rotating Machine that Accounts for Cooling

                    This document shows how to run scripts from a JMAG project file with any model to create a thermal analysis model with batch settings of circuit components and each thermal condit…

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