The Electric Machine Designer in the 21st Century

T.J.E. Miller
Emeritus Professor, University of Glasgow


The development of electric machines is proceeding at a rapid rate because of the expanding range of their applications, together with underlying changes in energy supply, in transportation, and in many other areas. Progress continues in power electronics and digital control, and in manufacturing methods, while the integration of these facets of technology becomes ever more complex. In all aspects of the technological system, software is essential for vital functions, especially simulation, control, and communication. In trying to describe the role of the electric machine designer in this system, one hopes to clarify his or her needs, and to emphasize certain basic limitations. Although analysis software for electric machine analysis is now extremely powerful, it remains too slow, and it is suggested that there are certain inefficiencies that could be relieved by greater attention to the theory of electric machines, the implementation of mundane calculations, the stabilization of interfaces, and the use of I/O channels that are currently ignored.

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