AI / Machine Learning

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  1. The Future of R&D and Design: What Can Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Do for You?

    Hajime Igarashi, Hokkaido University

  2. Smart Motor Control Technology Evolving with AI – Virtual Sensors and Fault Detection –

    Atsushi Katagiri, MathWorks Japan

  3. [JFT188] Creation and Use of Surrogate Models Using Multiple Analysis Case Results

    This document describes the procedures to create a surrogate model using results from an analysis with multiple cases to review response value maps by calling that surrogate model…

  4. 1 : JMAG-Ansys-Optimus Electromagnetic Field-Structure Analysis 2 : AI and PIDO Integration -Fast non-parametric shape optimisation-


  5. Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology

    Value the challenges in developing new technologies, and taking the initiative in motor structure innovations

  6. Ritsumeikan University

    Automatic Design System for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Deep Generative Model

    Yuki Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

  7. Calculation Cost Reduction Method in Multi-Objective Optimization Using Machine Learning: Case Study on Actuator Development

    Tomohiro Kuroda, AISIN CORPORATION

  8. DOE-based Optimization of Electrical Machines

    Stephan Guenther, IAV GmbH

  9. Application of Automation of Design Utilizing Optimization to Traction Motor


  10. [JFT152] Output of Response Values Using Surrogate Models

    In this document, a macro is provided for quickly evaluating the results obtained by design parameter combinations using surrogate models. This document, as a workflow for paramet…

  11. [JFT146] Optimization Calculation Using Surrogate Models

    This document describes as the workflow for optimization calculations using surrogate models creating training data, creating the sample case, and using a surrogate model in runni…

  12. AI Technology with Aid of Data-driven Method Makes EM Simulation and Optimization More Effective

    Hajime Igarashi, Hokkaido University

  13. Reduction of Optimal Design Time for IPMSMs for Automotive Applications Using Machine Learning

    Yuki Shimizu, Osaka Prefecture University

  14. 3D Design of Magnetic Components by Gaussian Kernel Regression -Forward Design and Inverse Design-

    Yuki Sato, Texas Instruments Japan Limited

  15. Application of Deep Learning to Optimal Design

    Hajime Igarashi, Hokkaido University

  16. Application of Machine Learning and Enhanced 3D Modeling on HPC Systems for End-Winding AC Loss Model Identification

    David Philipp Morisco, Robert Bosch GmbH

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