Investigations in Coil Design for Induction Heating Using JMAG and the Optimization Tool HEEDS

Toshiaki Matsumura


In order to improve the performance and fuel economy of automobiles, automatic transmissions are required to be strong and light, and strengthening them by heat treatment is indispensable to achieve this.
Induction hardening, which is one of the heat treatment methods, is a method of hardening by heating the necessary hardening area of a workpiece with electromagnetic induction heating using a heating coil, and then quenching it.
In electromagnetic induction heating, coil geometry and processing conditions are important factors that determine a workpiece temperature distribution; however, until recently, it has been studied by trial and error in real machines which was costly and required lead times. A calculation system for optimization has been created using JMAG and HEEDS but, because calculation time becomes a bottleneck, it has not been widely adopted for practical use.
Going forward, we will introduce our efforts to shorten calculation times for optimization operations.

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