A Case Example of JMAG-RT Application in an Electrical Automotive MBD

Kei Yonemori
Technical Research Center, MAZDA Motor Corporation


In analysis of a motor drive system’s performance, the mainstream method narrows things down to a general, ideal condition (a mathematical sine wave drive) that is easy to calculate and argues the pros and cons of a main representative, such as the limit performance of a motor, which is nothing more than a single part of the entire system. In JMAG-Studio alone it is not possible to recreate exactly the operating range and interactions of changes in efficiency when the motor is connected to the surrounding system, so at Mashida, where we were aiming at “a limit design for a dynamic system,” we constructed a rapid calculation environment using JMAG-RT that would give us a good overall view of the interactions and trade-off functions of the system interior.

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