Analysis of Electromagnetic Force Acting on a Workpiece During Induction Heating

Go Hagimoto
Heat Treatment Group, Pre Processing Technology Development Department, Manufacturing Engineering Center,
NSK Ltd.


Heat treatment using induction heating is attracting attention from the perspective of reducing CO2 emissions. In this method, the workpiece is held mechanically in most cases, so there is no need to consider electromagnetic force acting on the workpiece. However, when aiming for more efficient induction heating, there will be cases where it is difficult to completely grasp the workpiece. For example, if the workpiece is supported only by frictional force, if the electromagnetic force exceeds the frictional force, the workpiece will start to move, which will greatly affect induction heating. Therefore, when developing equipment and methods, it is important to understand in advance the magnitude and direction of the electromagnetic force generated in the workpiece. This time, I performed a three-coupled analysis of magnetic field, heat, and structure using JMAG, and attempted to analyze the electromagnetic force acting on a workpiece during induction heating, and will report on the results.

Analysis of Electromagnetic Force Acting on a Workpiece During Induction Heating

Analysis of Electromagnetic Force Acting on a Workpiece During Induction Heating

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