Investigation of Error Factors between Measurement and Analysis Results of Torque in a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor under High Speed Rotation

Masatsugu Takemoto
Motor System Engineering Laboratory,
Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology,
Okayama University


Recently, with the development of electromagnetic field analysis software, it is known that analysis and experimental results for the torque generated by permanent magnet synchronous motors are in good agreement. Therefore, electromagnetic field analysis software is commonly used in the design of permanent magnet synchronous motors. On the other hand, the permanent magnet synchronous motors are increasingly operated under high-speed rotation with field weakening control, because as the demand for higher output is increasing for the permanent magnet synchronous motors. However, when the permanent magnet synchronous motors are increased in speed with field weakening control, the error between the analytical and experimental results of torque becomes large. This presentation reports on the investigation of the error factors.

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