日時 2020年6月18日(木)、19日(金)
場所 WEB
URL https://www.opal-rt.com/event/rt20/  

OPAL-RT社主催の第12回Real-Time Simulation会議にて、JSOLが発表します。

Recent developments and applications of JMAG-RT; a high fidelity motor model for HIL/MIL
June 19,2020 7:00 EDT / 13:00 CEST / 20:00 JST

Motor HIL is becoming an indispensable tool in EV developments where MBD is a must. Reliability and effectiveness of the motor HIL depend on motor models which need to be accurate and simulation based. JSOL started JMAG-RT in 2003 responding to customers demand for the same level of accuracy as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and has been partnering with OPAL-RT since 2006 providing high speed motor HIL running on FPGA. JMAG-RT is now used in many advanced machine developments in industries and being developed pursuing further fidelity, flexibility and speed to deal with complex phenomena and applications such as phase failure, losses, multi-phase and resolvers.
Since the motor model is generated from FEA, the accuracy of FEA is critical for the motor model and has been improved significantly in recent years thanks to latest High Performance Computing (HPC) and FEA modeling technologies.
The latest status of the developments and applications will be presented.

