Circuit / Control

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  1. [RTML-052] WFSM_04

    Type: WFSM | Max Power: 10(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 185(mm) | Height: 40(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC240(V)/84.8(A), DC300(V)/50(A) | Rotor/Mover: WF | Number of Phases: 3

  2. [RTML-053] WFSM_05

    Type: WFSM | Max Power: 10(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 185(mm) | Height: 50(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC240(V)/84.8(A), DC300(V)/35(A) | Rotor/Mover: WF | Number of Phases: 3

  3. [RTML-054] WFSM_06

    Type: WFSM | Max Power: 75(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 212(mm) | Height: 200(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC600(V)/250(A), DC200(V)/20(A) | Rotor/Mover: WF | Number of Phases: 3

  4. [RTML-055] WFSM_07

    Type: WFSM | Max Power: 75(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 212(mm) | Height: 200(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC600(V)/250(A), DC600(V)/45(A) | Rotor/Mover: WF | Number of Phases: 3

  5. [RTML-056] WFSM_08

    Type: WFSM | Max Power: 75(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 400(mm) | Height: 65(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC500(V)/283(A), DC600(V)/50(A) | Rotor/Mover: WF | Number of Phases: 3

  6. [RTML-057] IM Constant rating 1(kW)

    Type: IM | Max Power: 1(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 57.5(mm) | Height: 20(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC100(V)/28.3(A) | Rotor/Mover: Cage

  7. [RTML-058] IM Constant rating 10(kW)

    Type: IM | Max Power: 10(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 92.5(mm) | Height: 37(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC440(V)/200(A) | Rotor/Mover: Cage

  8. [RTML-059] IM Constant rating 100(kW)

    Type: IM | Max Power: 100(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 125(mm) | Height: 259(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC600(V)/400(A) | Rotor/Mover: Cage

  9. [RTML-060] IM Constant rating 100(kW)

    Type: IM | Max Power: 100(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 200(mm) | Height: 65(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC500(V)/600(A) | Rotor/Mover: Cage

  10. SIMBA, Reinventing Motor Drive Simulation

    Ryoko Imamura, Powersys

  11. Model-Based Calibration Enables Optimal Torque Control of Synchronous Motors in a Short Time

    Atsushi Katagiri, MathWorks Japan

  12. Applied Cases of EV Motor Controller Tuning by MILS using JMAG-RT

    Nobuo Morimura, SUBARU CORPORATION

  13. Enabling Full EDU Optimization and Losses Analysis Under Different PWM Strategies and DC Voltages Employing Combined JMAG-MATLAB Simulation Environments

    Nicola Rossi, Rimac Technology

  14. [W-MB-181] Validation of JMAG-RT Spatial Harmonic Model Accuracy: Comparison of Differential Equation Models, Integral Method Models, and FEA

    JMAG-RT generates models that can simulate nonlinear motor characteristics for use in control circuit designs done with software-in-the-loop (SIL), hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), and…

  15. [RTML-061] PMSM/IPM Constant rating 100(kW) 3-phase, Open-End Winding

    Type: PMSM | Max Power: 100(kW) | Stator(Outside Diameter): 250(mm) | Height: 259(mm) | Voltage/Current: DC350(V)/400(A) | Rotor: IPM

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