Model-Based Calibration Enables Optimal Torque Control of Synchronous Motors in a Short Time

Atsushi Katagiri
Application Engineering Dept.,
MathWorks Japan


Motors are used in a wide range of industries due to their convenience.
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM), in particular, are widely used as traction motors for EVs due to their high power density and fast dynamic response.
However, when the motor rotates at high speeds, the drive current stops flowing and the speed cannot be increased, requiring weak flux control to raise the speed above the rated voltage.
This seminar will introduce the workflow for adapting an optimized lookup table for magnetic field weakening torque control of traction IPMSMs. The seminar will also introduce the key points to use with JMAG-RT.
How to quickly and efficiently tune control parameters and improve the performance of motor control systems is an important challenge. MathWorks offers a solution for model-based automatic tuning of control systems.

Model-Based Calibration Enables Optimal Torque Control of Synchronous Motors in a Short Time

Model-Based Calibration Enables Optimal Torque Control of Synchronous Motors in a Short Time

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