Design of a High-Density and High-Output Motor Using Optimization Analysis by GA

Koji Kokue
Engineering Affairs Sec. Engineering & Quality Managemet Dept.,
Tamagawa Seiki Co.,Ltd.


In recent years, with environmental issues as a social background, demands for electric motors to replace internal combustion engines are rapidly increasing in order to reduce the environmental burden of aircraft. In response to these market demands, our company has developed an air-cooled high-density and high-output motor, which has been selected by NEDO for the research and development of a next-generation electric propulsion system, “Electric Motor Control System for Propulsion”, in their practical application project of advanced aircraft systems. Here we introduce an example of evaluation using optimization analysis by GA for the design of the motor part.

Design of a High-Density and High-Output Motor Using Optimization Analysis by GA

Design of a High-Density and High-Output Motor Using Optimization Analysis by GA

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