Simon Abourida
Opal-RT Technologies, Inc.
Motor HILS (Hardware-in-the-loop simulator) has been recognized for many years now as an essential design and testing tool of motor drives, for increased product reliability, shorter time to market and lower total design cost. However, there remained many needs of the motor HILS to be addressed. Among these needed features are: more accurate models, more powerful simulators with distributed processing, etc.
Finite-Element Analysis based motor HILS, resulting from the integration of JMAG-RTR tool with RT-LABR simulator, addresses and fulfills these requirements. JMAG-RT-based Motor HILS of a complete permanent magnet synchronous motor drive can be conducted today on RT-LAB HILS at sub-microsecond time steps on powerful new FPGA resulting in unprecedented simulation accuracy.
And the integration with multi-processor platform yields a full motor HILS with high accurate motor model, ultra-fast drive simulation and distributed multi-rate simulation enabling the integration of other parts of the designed system (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, etc), for a complete system HILS.
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