Thermal Analysis of Traction Motors Using JMAG: A Case Study and Future Perspectives

Victor Rosa
AE eMotor Engineer,
Magna Powertrain


The widespread adoption of electric vehicles poses significant technical challenges for the automotive industry. Magna Powertrain addresses these challenges by supplying complete e-drive systems that meet the performance and efficiency requirements of traction motors. To meet these requirements in the short development cycles of vehicles, we employ numerical simulation tools from the initial phases of projects through to completion. These tools are crucial, for example, to design cooling concepts that effectively dissipate the waste heat generated by the high-power-density traction motors. A multiphysics tool like JMAG is invaluable for designing cooling concepts that meet the thermal requirements without compromising the machine’s electromagnetic performance. This presentation covers the thermal analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) using JMAG and explore future perspectives on using JMAG for traction motor design.

Thermal Analysis of Traction Motors Using JMAG: A Case Study and Future Perspectives

Thermal Analysis of Traction Motors Using JMAG: A Case Study and Future Perspectives

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