Basic Characteristic Analysis
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[JAC008] Analysis of an Axial Gap Motor
In this example, how to use JMAG's 3D magnetic field analysis to carry out a load analysis of an axial gap motor, and then obtain the Torque-Speed curve and the Torque-Current cur…
[JAC032] Analysis of a Transformer
In this example, the use of a magnetic field analysis to evaluate changes in the secondary voltage caused by load variations in a low frequency transformer.
[JAC064] Thrust Force Analysis of a Coreless Linear Motor
In this example, explains how to obtain the thrust variations in a coreless linear motor when it is driven with a three-phase alternating current.
[JAC007] Analysis of a Spindle Motor
In this example, how the Speed-Torque curve, the Torque-Current curve and the magnetic flux density distribution of a spindle motor can be obtained.
[JAC179] Analysis of SR Motor Static Characteristics
This example presents an evaluation for each rotor position of the effect on flux linkage (shown as I-Psi characteristics below) when excitation current is changed.
[JAC178] Analysis of SR Motor I-Psi Characteristics
This example presents an evaluation of flux linkage, inductance and torque for each rotor position when the flowing current value is changed.
[JAC177] Torque Characteristic Analysis of a Three Phase Induction Motor
This Application Note explains how to obtain the torque characteristics in an induction motor when the current amplitude has been changed in a specific slip.
[JAC173] Basic Characteristic Analysis of an IPM Motor
This Application Note demonstrates an analysis in which an IPM motor's cogging torque, torque, magnetic flux density distribution, and iron loss in the stator core are obtained.
[JAC176] Drive Characteristic Analysis of a Three-Phase Induction Motor
This Application Note explains how to confirm drive characteristics such as torque, loss, and efficiency in an induction motor when its rotation speed changes.
[JAC074] Speed Versus Torque Analysis of a Single-Phase Induction Motor
This Application Note explains how to obtain the current density distribution and Speed-Torque curve created by auxiliary winding that uses a capacitor.
[JAC156] Segregation Analysis of Torque Components for an IPM Motor
In this Application Note, the torque components are separated and the magnetic flux density distributions created by each magnetomotive force are confirmed.
[JAC071] Basic Characteristic Analysis of a Motor with 2 Brushes, 6 Poles, and 19 Slots
This Application Note presents an analysis to obtain the speed versus torque and torque versus current for a motor that has 2 brushes, 6 poles, and 19 slots.
[JAC082] Analysis of a Synchronous Reluctance Motor
This Application Note presents an evaluation of torque variations that occur when the phase of a sinusoidal wave current is changed.
[JAC081] AL-value Analysis of a Choke Coil
This Application Note explains a case example that obtains the air gap versus AL characteristics of a choke coil.
[JAC080] Cogging Torque Analysis of an SPM Motor with Skewed Magnetization
This Application Note presents the use of a magnetic field analysis to obtain the flux density distribution, cogging torque, and induced voltage of an SPM motor that has skewed ma…
[JAC068] Speed Versus Torque Characteristic Analysis of a Three-Phase Induction Motor
This Application Note explains an analysis that confirms the Speed-Torque curve and current density distribution of an induction motor.